Steve Smith wrote:
>It seems perfectly clear to me that the OP was asking why in this
>particular example, it only produced RC=4, instead of the expected RC=8.

>So far, no response seems to be relevant, other than the request for an

Oh. I did not get that at all; I took it as "I think this SHOULD be an RC=4 
instead of an RC=8". Given that either is something I'd consider Bad, I sort of 
don't care about which it is; it's broken either way--I'm not continuing with 
any non-zero RC from an assembly. Which is why I focused on "Why would you even 
do this?"

For the record, João is doing fine in his non-native language (better than any 
of us likely would in Portuguese!); this is the kind of subtlety that will 
always bite...

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