Folks, this is nothing really special, just a way to
allow keeping "track" of previous versions and
being able to "rollback" ASSP in case of issues

Here's the idea; at the moment ASSP checks for
newer versions and downloads them into the
"download" folder and then, if configured to do so,
updates the current running ASSP

Now, my idea is to add a little twist to the above,
let's say ASSP upon startup will create (if not existing)
a folder called "versions", at that point the updater
mechanism will do the following:

check for a new version online, and, if a new

* download to the "download" folder

* copy the current into the "versions" folder
   renaming it as that is, for
    example ""

* optionally (if configured to do so) copy the new
   from download over the running and restart

this way, during time, the "versions" folder will carry all
the previous versions *installed* on the system and it
will be easy to rollback to the previous version (or to
an older one) in case of need; I think this feature may
be particularly useful for "beta" versions which gets
updated quite often

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