On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 12:54 PM, Michael Keuter <li...@mksolutions.info> wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 12:27:29 -0700, John Reynolds <reynold...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 5:22 PM, Lonnie Abelbeck
>> <li...@lonnie.abelbeck.com> wrote:
>>> On Apr 13, 2010, at 7:06 PM, John Reynolds wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Lonnie Abelbeck
>>>> <li...@lonnie.abelbeck.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Apr 10, 2010, at 2:20 PM, John Reynolds wrote:
>>>>>> I did a clean install of 0.7.1 on a net4801 (1G CF card). All seems
>>>>>> fine.
>>>>>> I have an Atheros CM9 miniPCI card installed in the soekris, and am
>>>>>> tring to configure it to work. In the rc.conf I removed the '#' signs
>>>>>> from:
>>>>>> WIFI_ENABLE="yes"
>>>>>> WIFIMODS="ath5k"
>>>>>> also,
>>>>>> BRIDGE0="eth1 ap0"
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> AP0="[as is in the rc.conf, with change from br1 to br0]"
>>>>>> saved and rebooted, on the console as astlinux is rebooting I get the
>>>>>> message "WiFi not enabled"... this is confirmed with "lsmod". I can
>>>>>> modprobe ath5k and the CM9 is detected. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
>>>>>> in advance for any guidance.
>>>>>> John R.
>>>>> Did you edit /mnt/kd/rc.conf and the directory /mnt/kd/rc.conf.d/ does
>>>>> not exist ?
>>>>> Or, are you using the web interface?
>>>>> Lonnie
>>>> I did edit rc.conf... and I am using the web interface for most other
>>>> items. I didn't see where to do edits for WiFi in the web interface.
>>>> (the rc.conf edit was done via the "edit" tab of the web interface,
>>>> and not via nano directly... I doubt that matters).
>>>> John R.
>>> Using the web interface, you should use:
>>> Network tab -> Advanced Configuration: User System Variables: {Edit User
>>> Variables}
>>> Then add your variable definitions as above. Then reboot.
>>> The files used in the case is "/mnt/kd/rc.conf.d/user.conf"
>>> Lonnie
>> Thanks for the help thus far. I've finally made the corrections you
>> pointed out, and the box comes up with the module loaded, and seems to
>> be right... but I'm not able to make a connection to the box
>> wirelessly.
>> AP0="wlan0:sunflower:11:br0:wpa2:password:hidden,rekey"
>> above is what I have in user.conf. I understand that this means that
>> the SSID is "sunflower", operating on channel 11, bridge 0 (which in
>> this situation is "eth1 ap0"), wpa2 is the security type/protocol,
>> "password" is the password, and "hidden" means to hide the SSID...
>> don't know about "rekey".
>> Can someone confirm the above, and provide the appropreate option
>> alternatives (or where/how to find them)?
>> I have looked at the "iw" command, and read online some usage
>> examples, but none seemed to yield anything useful.
>> Thanks again,
>> John R
> I use the same string as you, except "hidden", and it works fine for me.
> Do you have WIFI_ENABLE="yes", WIFIMODS and the BRIDGE0 in your users.conf?
> Does lspci recognize your card?
> --
> Michael

This is what I have set:

BRIDGE0="eth1 ap0"

I just checked the output of lspci, I'm good there also (I figured it
would be good as I can see it recognize the card during boot up).
I'll try with the "hidden" removed, just to be see something different.

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