
> > I feel that HTML entities other than numeric references, >,  
> > <,
> > &, ', and &quote; should be depreciated in HTML
> > content.
> Disagree. All it needs is a simple look-up table in the HTML parser.

In an XSLT-based Atom-to-XHTML processor, that is a large cost when HTML
includes many many many entities.  At least, I think so and have ignored the
problem because I can't think of a good way to solve it.

> > There is no reason *not* to change this to "atom:id".  It is lazy and
> > dangerous to have an element lie about the type of its content.   
> > Furthermore,
> > the whole point of atom:uri is the same as atom:id - to identify  
> > the thing
> > they refer to (author or entry) - and their content is likewise  
> > identical.
> There is no reason to think that it is either unique to an author or  
> will be the same for every reference to a particular author. It's a  
> useless identifier.

I agree, but for other reasons (see my reply to Aristotle Pagaltzis).  Still,
calling it atom:uri is a lie by the spec.  Specs should NEVER NEVER lie!

> > OTOH, is there a reason that atom:uri (which should be  
> > atom:indentifier) and
> > atom:email are not attributes of a person construct?
> To allow easier, consistent extension.


Jimmy Cerra

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