On 5/4/06, Tim Bray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This assertion that atom:link is not extensible is simply, flatly,
completely, wrong.

I agree that it's not an especially convincing or interesting
argument, given that 6.4 starts with

"Atom allows foreign markup anywhere in an Atom document"

We certainly don't want consumers to barf on foreign markup anywhere,
so it has to be allowed everywhere. Of course, you'd be foolish to put
extension attributes on things like atom:updated, and lots of other
places, because then you're going to force people to dive into the
feedparser/feedtools/gdata/etc implementation layer. Secondly, we
might not like it for strange pseudo-nationalistic reasons, but some
implementers find it convenient to transcode Atom to RSS2. when you're
doing that, it's more difficult to preserve markup in areas left
undefined by the specification. If you want to make a point, and carp
on how crappy those applications are, you'll look for an excuse to do
it. In reality, those extension points haven't proven that interesting
or necessary, and the current thread is a particularly forceful
example of that reality for those of who aren't participating. So, it
really is that most common of syndication archetypes: the tempest in a


Robert Sayre

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