Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

So guys, i'm happy to say that this topic can come to well, kind of, a happy ending. Have you guys ever considered this? That maybe someone has made this topic to bring walter down? That maybe someone made this topic just... well... well just to be mean? Just to... Just to... You get the point here. Well, I decided to jump into the drama stream and investigate my self, and it's time to show how lori, someone who we thought we could trust, like and well respect, has just betrayed all of us, stw, and walter. Oh walter, lori, what have you done to him. Now before you stop reading this post and think i'm pointing fingers, i'd incurrage you to read threw the entire post, as it is pretty much prooven that lori is lying to all of us and well, what. trying to create drama? ruin walters online life? something? Well, let's get started. Let's show you what I mean. Let's just start with the least amount of proof, and build it up, all together. Also sorry if I sound really rediculis, but i'm excited because practicly everything is prooven. Given in this post will be loggs, whiped of any sensitive information, and posted so you can see what I mean. So basicly, I demote walter, he wants to know why, and I send him this message he apparently sent to lorry that lory sent to me, coppied out of her chat_history.log file. And, as we'd expect for someone who was doing something bad, walter continuassly denied it. I tried everything to make him know that I knew it was true. Yes, I lied a little bit to him, told him about how I matched the IP addresses of the PM sender and his current IP. I told him they matched. Usually this will finily make any guilty person just give up, because they think I know everything. I never checked the server, and walter never gave in. He sounded like he was panicking, trying to tell me he didn't do it. So I asked him if I could do stuff. At this point he let's me into his computer and incurrages me to do absolutly anything I want, even install a virus if need be. Of course I didn't do that, but I looked at many things. And now, we backtrack. Before I demoted walter, I talked to lorry and she said she was going to send me the logs. And instantly, things were... kind of, strange? She said she'd never gotten around to it, but she was now uploading the logs and would send me a dropbox link once uploaded. And she atempted to tell me when she started the upload. She explained it would take a while because of her bad internet and they would be getting a replacement/upgrade in a week. Finily, about 10 minutes later...

From lori duncan, uploading now, it's taking a while because our internet connection sucks, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:25:08 PM

From lori duncan, … 20log.txt, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:30:52 PM

And that was the first log. Encase the db link becomes unavailable, the log text is below

Today's log, threat warning.

rm says what do you need the help of admins for? 8:56:24 PM, 3/10/2016
out of character, astra says i've found a bug, i'm cooking over a fire but it's not crackling 8:56:26 PM, 3/10/2016
out of character, MayanaStorm says hmm, strange. did you try logging off and back on? 8:56:39 PM, 3/10/2016
out of character, amine says k stay there 8:56:43 PM, 3/10/2016
out of character, Agent-jonsin says it is the fire that became unuseble 8:56:44 PM, 3/10/2016
out of character, astra says i'm hearing the frying sound, so the cooking is working, but no background crackle 8:56:46 PM, 3/10/2016
out of character, MayanaStorm says sometimes the sounds won't play properly and you have to restart the client 8:56:52 PM, 3/10/2016
out of character, Shadan says log out and in 8:56:59 PM, 3/10/2016
out of character, Agent-jonsin says that can also happen yes 8:57:01 PM, 3/10/2016
pm from Agent-jonsin, fuck off, my terrorist friends will find you, fuck off and leave me alone or else
out of character, astra says oh, ops, lol ok 8:57:07 PM, 3/10/2016
out of character, MayanaStorm says no. if the fire is unusable you can't cook on it. the fire just isn't playing sounds in this case 8:57:14 PM, 3/10/2016
out of character, Shadan says oh god the lag almost kills me 8:57:20 PM, 3/10/2016
out of character, Agent-jonsin says ok? 8:57:20 PM, 3/10/2016
out of character, Shadan says the lag while fighting 8:57:29 PM, 3/10/2016
out of character, astra says ah it's back now 8:58:19 PM, 3/10/2016
Campero a m  o    s que  o grita     r    a  ito     8:58:25 PM, 3/10/2016
on goku say  fkds{fa dkasjflkña fakl el dani le tubo que ba  r   a confi uración d l sk, porque  ú y t   gritos,xd 8:58:28 PM, 3/10/2016
out of character, Agent-jon

And that's the contents of that TXT file. 5 minutes to upload, huh? You could upload that much in 2 minutes or less on dial up. That alone isn't that wierd but... In the PM, did you notice... anything odd? Even I didn't at first, but look closely. As a hint, heres how the stw logging system writes pm's to the log. This is just a random PM someone sent me saying hi.

pm from run-flower. hi 8:06:13 PM, 3/10/2016

And compare that to what's in the log. A bit different, right? I looked in walters chat history file my self on his computer with NVDA remote, and well... No signs of it. None, at all. Rember, walter insisted, told me many many times to do what ever I needed, what ever I wanted on his computer. He litterily insisted on it. Usually if someone was guilty, wouldn't they hesitate? A little? at least hesitate? When I demoted walter, I asked lorry permission to post the PM. She says yes, but them posts this message to me on skype, randomly, like 30 seconds after the OK to post the PM on stw.
From lori duncan, please believe me, he did do it, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:53:16 PM
So moving on, lori said she was going to send me another skype log. Another log of walter being an ass. It was uploaded like 15 minutes after the previous log.

From lori duncan, … lter..txt, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:57:11 PM

Encase of deleted file, text is below.

from Lori.duncan5 hi, i told you not to contact me ever again
from Walter Van Wyk Sam is my friend, D*****e is my friend too
from Lori.duncan5 No she isn't! you've no right to contact her.
Walter Van Wyk I'm sorry if I hurt you
from Lori.duncan5 no, you arn't Walter, and you know it, you're just playing with our emotions.
from Walter Van Wyk I know Sam, he makes viruses and will give me one to hack your computers.
skype Lori.duncan5 I don't believe you, sam is a nice guy.
skype Walter Van Wyk fuck off bitch!
Note, I blocked him after that because my epilepsy shot up.

Ok wait a minute what? If were talking about the content, viruses? uh, ok then. Thing is, if you know how to program, you know how to make viruses. No scating around that, litterily. Aprone could make a virus, I could make a virus, danny could make a virus, anyone, who makes games, is smart enough, to make, a virus. Walter sadly deleted the contact, er, understandably, so no history on his end of this, but things are wierd anyway. Look at the format of the log. Who, who thinks this is a skype log? Ok, for starters, lori, if you copy and paste the log from skype as you claim in this chat,

From Sam Tupy, another thing, how did you get those logs. they don't look like they came from skype, which is kind of wierd, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:32:05 PM
From lori duncan, they did, i coppied and pasted them into a document to send to my friend so she could read it easier, as it was the only way i knew how to save it, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:32:45 PM
From Sam Tupy, I understand it's just wierd how there written. theres from Walter Van Wyk, then theres just Walter Van Wyk, and theres skype Walter Van Wyk. and theres no dates, it just looks wierd, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:33:45 PM
From lori duncan, i know, but that's honestly how i coppied and pasted it, i made sure so it wasn't coming out wrong, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:34:19 PM
From Sam Tupy, how'd you copy them anyway. The accounts don't exist and walters skype is cap Walter van cap Wyk and the logs say cap walter cap van cap wyk. it's wierd., sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:35:55 PM
From lori duncan, i know what his normal skype name is, but i just did sellect all then control c then control v into the document, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 6:36:39 PM

Ok that's not how it works. All the other stuff I cought are in the messages above, so... doesn't that look wierd? And keep in mind walter kept insisting he didn't post any of this at all. None of it. She says she was using an old version of skype, and said that walter got unblocked when she upgraded her skype. Hmmm... Kind of wierd, huh? Sence when do contacts get unblocked when you update skype? How many users of skype would there be? Wierd. And things get even wierder. I mensioned to lori that the PM's wern't showing up right, and explained how the system actually writes them, and she said that she thinks it got messed up when she cut that part out of the log. So I said, can you just send me teh hole thing? And she did. Going back to an earlier point, this 2 MB file transfer took like 10 seconds. Really, you have a slow net, huh? Yeah, I don't think you were uploading the logs for those 5 minutes. a small thing, but another one. Well, I looked in the log, and er... I saw the part of the log that was around that PM message that wasn't written right, but, no PM in the middle of it! Well lori my dear, are you sure you cut it from the log? Doesn't sceme that likely as the stuff around it was still in your log. So me and walter were at a los at that point. we didn't know quite what to do at that point, lori had gone to bed by that point. But walter kept mentioning this alondra character, from stw. The character that lori claims was from england that walter messed with. Now, mind you, it wasn't right for walter to act as he did. He freely admits this and says that that kind of thing will never happen again. However, there was a reason behind it. Walter had instincts that kept telling him it was lori. And he kept telling me, match the IP addresses or something, tell me if alondra's IP address was from scotland or england. I told him that I didn't have the IP's as logging isn't turned on on the server, but I decided I would look into this a bit, not knowing what else to do. So I logged onto the VPS, and looked at the character databass. Encase characters need to be banned, my game stores a hashed ID of the computers of the characters in order to help secure the banning system. The ID's are different from compter to computer. Maybe there is a 0.0000000001% chance they could be the same, maybe a .0001% higher, but, well, astra in stw is lori and...
alondra's ID: zfkG7eEPZJ8cT7/VaWKIWFHfPnc
astra's ID: zfkG7eEPZJ8cT7/VaWKIWFHfPnc

Hmmm... notice any difference? I sure don't. They sceme pretty much the same to me. And remember, lori made the mistake on her part of sending me the log. It scemes wierd that she never sent any chats when alondra sent chats, basicly, well, nt never scemed that both characters were ever online at the same time. Walter also tells me he never saw lori on at the same time as alondra. Almost a little wierd, you'd think lori would help alondra. So, what do you all think. One thing isn't enough, maybe not even 2, but if you add everything up, don't you think the proof at least rizes to 98%? I've been in contact with this friend of walters, and she is also denying many things that lori told me. Note that this person is also friends with lori. Walter was humiliated to the point of tears. Who the hell cares about his age. Some people are tough, wouldn't care, but people like walter, and me, would be devistated, to have no one like yoj, to have all the work you tried to make for the comunity distroyed. To be banned from a forum for things that he did not do. To be taking the blame for everything. I told this to lori and she says the following.

From lori duncan, he's crying because he's no other defense meaning he's guilty, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:28:24 PM
From lori duncan, that's what he did to us when he wanted us to believe him, but it's fake, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:28:44 PM

Also some other quite hurtful and wierd comments from her to me.

I tell her I can send her a recording of the call: From lori duncan, no thanks, just hearing his voice scares the hell out of me, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:29:16 PM
I tell her to temperarily accept walters skype request that I sent from his computer and that we would delete the contacts once we were done in an atempt to recover walters side of the chat history: From lori duncan, i can't, he'll kill me, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:33:58 PM

Oh! I almost forgot about another thing that scemes to make lori look like she's lying about all of this, and that's these fake skype accounts. I'll send you the chats in this post so you can check to, but none of them existed. I even signed out of walters skype to look in the sign in dialog, no other names. I even looked at his browsing history! No skype create account area. And again none of these accounts scemed to exist.
From lori duncan, walter.vanwike6 is the first one, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:48:38 PM
From lori duncan, walter.6 is the next one, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:49:35 PM
From lori duncan, walterx.773 is the last one, sent on Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:51:01 PM
None of them scemed to exist. Maybe i'm an idiot and don't know how to use the skype search area, but i'm pretty sure they don't exist, and no IP attached to them with skype resolvers. So that's all the evidence I built up against the situation. What do you guys think? How bad has walter actually been. Another post that needs refrence is the post from jeffb. This apparently happened almost a year ago and ended over 2 months ago, and a lot of things happened there that I won't go into, I hardly understand it my self. The friend walter hurt in this situation plans to post there own remarks about it on the forum in this topic, so look out for that. Walter has told me that ever sence the situation ended he's been trying to change, to be a better person, and this story we received from lori doesn't quite sceme to be true. Now note, there might be another person walter has offended that I do not know about, but I'm honestly wondering, how rong is walter? What has he actually done? I mean... Honestly.

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