Re: should accessible steam games be added to the database

Hi zorron.
Ok, everyone is going to hate my guts for saying this but I don't think we should put any accessible games on here for steam.
There are a few reasons.
1.  steam is inaccessible and just doesn't work unless it suddenly sort of does in windows with nvda.
It is a semi webpage so not much would need to be done to the actual client.
2.  valve showws no interest in making it accessible and I refuse to support anyone that has an inaccessible games client, even if the games are accessible I see no way to launch them so steam games are not accessible because steam isn't.
I also do not agree with japanese games being that hard to handle especially now we have the jgt addon for the nvda reader by mr reed.
3.  while yes you can use the website to buy games and such what is the point if the client interface just doesn't work.
If you need to compromise put the games on the database, but say that steam has issu es.
I have sadly seen renpy games on steam, and can't see my way to getting them, I mean I had issues to get the steam account up even with my capcha fixer and I see no future for steam.
Unless someone is going to write an alternitive interface to it that is.
Next I know friends 1 in particular that although he will use steam is less than happy with it for many ways.
It is aparently not stable, it also needs updates and the games on it need large updates some of this comercial games he buys offline will need gegs of updates even before they are playable.
A lot is online and the steam client is well not as good as is desired.
Anyway if I started aggreeing that steam would even be something I'd use that would mean I agree that drm enabled games are something I'd actually play, and with the acception of dentin's guidedog client I actually don't agree with games you need a client to do anything with.
I also don't agree tha t we as blind should put up with games we have to play with an inaccessable front end.
Its better to put all games that use this frontend as inaccessible so we can stop this ever being used by real developers even though some think steam is a good idea.
If valve won't budge then neither will I.
There are enough games right now that are not steamed and so I won't play steam games.
Ofcause if someone knows of a work round for steam I'm game I guess.

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