Re: Buying Eloquence

If you are having problems with it, maybe it's your computer or your software set up that's the problem and not Code Factory's DRM or Eloquence.

Yeah... must be the user's falt. It couldn't ever be precious, darling Nuance. They shine a light in the darkness, holding back the tide of thieves that threaten to steal everything that's not nailed down...

So a problem with my setup? Let's firmly debunk that, as it's pure crap.
My phone was connected to the internet when I purchased eloquence. Everything worked, the world was rosey. I went to college for the first time with the new phone. Soon as I enter the deadzone that surrounds my college, bam. no speech... Just the words unable to verify licence. Attempt to access settings to change TTS? unable to verify licence. Unlock the screen? unable to verify licence. That is not a problem with my computer/or setup. This is 1: deliberately inserted code that will screw over the user, wh ile giving them the middle finger and thanking them for paying for the privilage and 2: dishonest, as it's not mentioned anywhere at all that as soon as the program detects your lack of a signal, it'll up and turn your phone into a brick chrossed with a broken record.

Also, with regards to...
there are people willing to steal, companies will do what they can to prevent or slow it down, so I accept it, raging against it accomplishes nothing.

Remember who else attempted to hoist this kind of unethical bullshit on their users?
Microsoft. Remember how the xbox one was gonna have to call home every day just to keep functioning? Remember how it was gonna block used games? Remember the furious backlash that was the result of that? Have you noticed it doesn't do any of that as a result of the massive backlash? It's almost like... wowe they listened to people!
Microsoft basically told everyone to suck it, Kinda like what nuance are doing now wit h their bulllshit DRM, The difference here is that noone got on their knees and opened up.

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