Re: Muds: what is everyone playing

Hollow can be found at the following link:

And yeah, like I said, it's about 89% RP, with the other 11% being the ability to stat for gold. There are a few quests, but they're freaking obscure and most players (self included) don't know about them and don't bother.

That being said, the player base is very friendly, and if you like RP enough to get involved with plot arcs that actually go places and can change the world, this might be your cup of tea.

Here. For the fun of it, I'll give you a couple of posts of the general style and complexity Hollow goes for. You don't have to be this wordy or detailed, but this is me on an average day..

Non-combat post

Rikailin pushes open the tavern door with one shoulder and steps inside. The warmth of the fire on the hearth is immediately welcome, and she ambles in that direction, the better to take advantage of th e heat. Were one of her friends nearby, they would likely tell the battle-druid that this is precisely what she deserves for daring the wilds of Frostmaw garbed only in vines and moss and birchbark. Drargon, the frost giant tending bar, greets her with a grunt which might actually be friendly, and Rikailin favours him with a distracted half-smile and a rueful shake of the head. "Nothing just now," she amends, "but don't worry. If I stay long enough, I'm sure to order something."

Duel/Combat post

Emrith's training as a spell-blade has taught him many a valuable lesson. Foremost among them at the moment is that sometimes, taking a wound in order to avoid greater injury is the surest path to decisive victory. He drives his left leg upward as the spear darts toward him, skewering the point into the flesh next to his shinbone. Blood sprays, and Emrith hisses his agony through clenched teeth. For the moment, though, his foe is without a usabl e weapon, and Emrith intends to take full advantage of his opening. He jerks his leg back down - the better to perhaps weaken his opponent's grip on his spear - then brings both of his shortswords across his body just below shoulder height, straightening his arms and driving the keen edges of both blades directly outward and toward his opponent's unguarded torso. One blade would be enough to deliver a mortal injury; two all but guarantee it.

Now, like I said, you don't have to write all the time, but this isn't the sort of RP site where the following exchange would be considered kosher.

Chekhu appears from the north.
Lionel says: Hey Chekhu.
Chekhu says: Hey Lionel.
Chekhu grins.
Lionel hugs Chekhu.
Chekhu giggles.
Lionel says, "Wanna kill some goblins?

It's nowhere near that casual.

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