Re: I'm kind of concerned about the culture surrounding usability

Something I wanted to bring up is that accssibility is not black o white, you can actually cater to more people than just one group, I do think that's a huge, huge issue. Either a buildin is wheelcheir friendly OR it's blind friendly OR it's deaf friendly, it's extremes depending on where you are. and who designed and built it.

Speaking of Twitter, here's a new one, accessibility is socialist thinking.

Uh....Twitter....No? Just, no. Accessibility s not 'socialist' in the way ht eUS seems to run screaming from anything they deem to be not capitalist, if anything you could in fact make the argument that accessibility helps capitalism by stimulating an economy by putting more people in work...but, no, the political Twitter-ites scream SOCIALISM GET IT OUT OF MAH UNITED STATES CAPITALISM IS DA ONLY WAY till the cows come home, which really, really pisses me off...and then some.

One issue with utilitarianism though, is that in certai n inerpretations is that the argument could be made that it would cost less cut the welfare system and cut offf the disabled to reduce a debt, than spend the money that, in the long term, would feed back into a system by way of work, yes, you spend money in the short term in training, techh and so forth, pays off in the long term.

Also, oh gods, the UX types....ugh. Is it me or are they one giant circlejerk? I got talking to one at PAX East a year or two ago when I was in Boston for a week or two for PAX East helping a friend with a game, and that UX type said, quote:

Don't waste your time on making mainstream games accessible, blind peopl will never play them

Yet, that's been proven wrong, I have no idea if that person still has a job (I hope not), does make you wonder just how far up thier own asss the UX types are.

Alright, let me explain why I dislike the NFB, it's dow n to personal experiences and how they treat relatives of mine. They basically treated my relative like crap and told him, despite being engaged, despite flying from New England to Vegas and California, despite going on road trips, he shouldn't do any of that, because he is blind, and they insist he needs a guide dog. Which, he has repeatedly told them he's not willing to take care of a dog when he has family in the same general area who will help him out.

I have to admit, I had a good laugh at his text, he went to listen to Wonderwoman the other day and texted me this gem:

IDK if it's a good movie, I can't see what's going on. I sent him back this gem: Well at least you won't feel bad if you wasted a ticket but you won't know how hot the girls are in that movie XD

It's people like him I don't actually consider as disabled, he's my relative who happens to be blind, or his fiancee happens to be marrying a guy who ha s no sight. Personally, I don't see myself (pun intended) as 'disabled' as to me it's a poisoned word, both by politics and ideology at this point. I mean, 50 years ago they locked blind people up in some areas of the world, I remember an interesting show on the BBC about...arg...4-5 years ago about how ar blind people have come, they used to have pieces like John works in a bank but he's fully blind and he's counting money', patronising statements like that, and I'd argue those attitudes haven't really changed, they've just been hidden from view, they are still there honestly, and they are more often found online.

IMO politicians need to stay out of accssibility, as far as using it as a campaign platform anyhow, and promising what they can't deliver. I met David Blunkett about 10 years ago as part of a thing for my college and he semed nice enough (before his whole affair came out...ugh), and he said very clearly to me th at he's a politician, but he can't push through what he wants because the other MPs see him as weaker because he's disabled. That was when he was part of the government. I I highly doubt New/Corbin/whatever he calls them Labour will readily take in a disabled politician unless it's to tick a box, his current makeup is all women, if he does get in on Thursday I full expect him to pander to everyone, which is why I hope the Tories stay in power, for three reasons

1. They scaled back their welfare cuts due to major public backlash from everyone

2. They know not to fuck with people's money

3. People actually rust the Tories. Why, after the past month, not sure, but they do.

To get back on point...I don't care if you're left wing, right wing, a Corbinite, a May supporter, a UKIP supporter ofor those UK guys, a Trudeau supporter for the Canucks, a Front Nationale supporter or an EU supporter, as long as I can sit down and have a c ivil and adult and balanced discussion with you and both sides come away having learned things, that's all I want out of making the world more accessible for everyone.

Just got pointed out that maybe 'accesiblity' is thewrong idea, in that it imples disabled people deserve special priviledges, like black people and one specifici word (if I quote the point verabtim I'll be thrown off here pretty quick) but I do think that maybe inclusiveness should be etooled to be inclusive to the entire human race, regardless of skin color, race, religion, ablility level or whatever. Inclusiveness, as a concept, isn't a bad theory. It's how it is applied, it is just a tool, and it's currently, I feel, been in the wrong hands for decades.

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