Re: Eurofly Enhanced Mod

@24 NVDA is not a 32 bit app, actually its a hybrid app. The nvda.exe is 32 bit, but the nvdahelper.exe is 64 bit and they communicate with each other. Also, why the hell not, everything else is transitioning to 64 bit, yeah there's challenges in it, but figure it out ffs.
And, oh my god, if I wrote out the issues in detail, all the bugs, all the things that make this game an arcade game rather than a flight simulator, I'd be at it for a least a full day.

Planes can drive in reverse, guess ya never heard of push backs or towing eh? You can taxi up to the gate and take on passengers without actually turning into it. If you get conflicting instructions from ATC and TCAS, following TCAS will often mean you will crash your plane even if you revert back to the instructions given to you by the controller after TCAS is finished. I've never had the wrong direction bug, but why in the bloody hell is that a reason to crash your aircraft? I don't know if you still can, but you used to be able to pirouette on the ground with no forward velocity whatsoever, just spinning around on the ground is totally within the realm of logic. The huge server lag spikes which can crash your plane because the game stops accepting inputs so you are unable to follow instructions and die. And this is just scratching the surface. For one, if you're simulating lights, you have not simulated beacons which are used to tell people on the ground and other aircraft that you're starting your engines, kind of useful, wouldn't ya say, because if you were to walk behind a 747 while its starting those engines, you'll either be blown 50 feet and probably break several bones if not die by crush impact and trauma, or be burnt or both. If you walk in front of a propeller powered or piston powered aircraft, you've a very strong possibility to get sucked into the propeller and be ground up like minced meat. And, what is it with this take off, climb to 500 and stop, then climb to XXX and stop etc. This isn't realistic at all. You do not take off and just stop climbing before you reaching cruise altitude. Also, when you descend, you get told to come down to 100? what is this, you can still be 30KM out, in a jet you'll pas the time quickly, but even still, a jet should have a gradual descent path, but a little C172 would be at 100 for a while. Oh, and turning on the weather radar is bad bad bad bad bad bad bad if done on the ground because you'll eviscerate people with radiation and cook them from the inside out, so yeah, not good. Also, when is the last time Cessna included weather radars in their smaller craft? Sorry, but as someone told me, Eurofly isn't a flight sim, its just a game where you fly. A lot of logic errors and very very unrealistic behaviors here. It may be fine to people who don't know much about aviation, but there are those within this community who have a passion for it, and it doesn't, well I can't speak for them, but at least for me, it doesn't fulfill that itch in me.

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