Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

I expected there would be a few mal-adjusted monsters with the new batch. Thanks for reporting this. I could nerf them down, but there are a few reasons I'd rather not.
1) If I start now, I won't know where to stop. I'm trying to use the rules verbatim, with the assumption that they are reasonably balanced. if I start modifying things, well, there are 400+ monsters. That's a lot of work.
2) The problem isn't really that the reward is too generous. The problem is the monster is not challenging enough. Right now, with the features implemented, a Dragon is just a lizard with wings. What these dragons really need are breath weapons!
3) I really do need a gold sink. You are right. After playing for a while, gold ceases to be much of a problem. I could make even more powerful weapons that are even more expensive, but that would just make it easier to make EVEN MORE money. What I really need are prestige purchases. Things you can buy as a player to show off that don't really come into game play. Castles were my first attempt at that. We brainstormed a bit at our lunch meeting and thought of things like buying titles, or even towns. I'm open to ideas.

I'm just finishing up adding Giant Halls and Dragon Lairs. I also revamped the feature system so they are related to terrain. It's kind of dump to have a Dark Grove turn up in a Desert. I will try to slip in dragon breath as well. That might help remedy the Green Dragon problem.

Slightly longer term, I'm going to short list what I need to do in order to move the main activity to the premium area. That's really were I want to focus on long term features. This doesn't mean we're going to start charging anytime soon. After we missed our goals in December it became clear we can't really commercialize this at this point in time. That's partially why the pace of feature addition has slackened off recently. We're been looking how to transition this project to a non-commercial basis. Today we decided since we've had the most engagement from the visually impaired community, we'll go with that. So, from today on, you guys are officially our main customer. Maybe someday we'll be able to look at a commercial direction again. (I'd love to hire three people to work on this full time!) For now we're going to focus on increasing our user base.
So, to that end, if anyone can recommend other forums, web sites, or publications that target the visually impaired, and accept advertising or might be willing to write an article about us, please pass it on. And, please, do talk it if up if you are happy with your experience with the game. Write reviews, recommendations, etc, and pass it around. Any effort is appreciated!

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