Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

There's no technical reason I can't port 6 Swords to Cortana. I haven't looked into it before because they didn't invite me onto their beta, and there seems to be a pretty low adoption rate. (My wife also thinks it is creepy!) If you think it's popular among the visually impaired, I can talk to some of my friends who have developed for Cortana, and get a better idea of the effort.

Game Development Update:
I think I have definitively fixed the wimpy dragon problem. Their treasure now skewes across the age categories proportional to their experience point value, rather than linearly. Their challenge rating was too high, because of a bug, making you always meet ones that were much weaker than you should. (There was another bug that overrated challenges on all monsters that I fixed too.) Lastly dragons now have breath weapons.
I can seriously say they are pretty brutal now. In my test fights, if there was just one dragon, my whole party got to go first and usually was able to kill it before it could attack back. If there was more than one, and the rest got to fight back, and one of them chose to breathe, and the character did not make its saving throw... it died. Not "fell unconcious". Died. Permanent death.
Now, because I know some of you put a lot of time into your characters, I've also altered the code so that permanently dead characters are kept on file. I some point I'll put in some way that you can buy a wish spell for 100,000 to bring back a permanently dead character. For now if you let me know, I'll do it manually.
Just be very careful approaching dragon lairs when I roll them out later this week!

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