Re: 6 Swords - Fantasy Adventure game for Amazon Echo

To be clear: the deaths in my dragon testing were by pure physical damage. It can already happen now, it's just rare. By straight D&D rules, if you get knocked down to -10 hit points, then you die. It's just that there are very few things that do more than 10 hit points of damage, so few opportunities for that to happen. The only time I've seen it in testing has been when a Wight has drained my level way down, and then hit me hard. Dragon breath does the same damage as a dragon's full hitpoints. One of the blue dragons I fought had 40 hit points. So that was a pretty big hit. However, if your character saves, it does half damage. Also they only have a 50% chance of using their breath each round, and they can only use it 3 times per day. And, for simplicity, they only breathe on one person, instead of the entire party. So it can still be pretty brutal... but it's also high reward. I probably should add in a "dragonslayer" achievement!

I now have the structure to add in regional dungeon types, as you suggest. Right now I only have Demon, Devils, Dinosaur, Dark Grove, Giant Hall and Dragon Layer as specialty dungeon types. But the changes I've made will make it easier to add more over time.

There are lots of things that can be done with a wish shop. Things like buying the naming rights to cities and so forth. But I just can't do voice data entry with the platform at its current quality level. So they are mostly going to be "buy this thing, and then send me an e-mail". I have to work out the details.
I really wish I could solve the voice entry problem. I had a whole location editor written that I wanted to open up to the community. So we could start having community driven content. But the quality just wasn't there. I couldn't even dictate a two sentence description without there being annoying errors. I'm tossing around some ideas with a sort of mixed voice and e-mail system. But I haven't got a design I like. Maybe I should just make a highly accessible web site.

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