Re: Training Centers

Yes, I see where you're coming from, but a website like I'm proposing wouldn't hurt. I don't really have the technical knowhow to start such a thing, although I'd be willing to invest time in moderating the forums, writing to training centers to see if they're interested in providing any kind of description or testimonials, and anything else that would be needed, as long as it didn't have to do with building the website itself.
I think you have a point, but I disapprove of the fact that a lot of people will say that the NFB is the only way to go. I know there are abysmal training centers out there that are non-NFB -affiliated, but they never seem to get the same fair treatment. My personal feelings about the NFB aside, I think it's time that someone tries to remedy this situation. I want people who want to attend training centers to make an informed choice, to know, as much as humanly possible, what they're getting into.
I thi nk, and I honestly mean no offense by saying this, that many people run off to a training center without thinking through the whole decision first, just because they want to escape an undesirable or stifling situation. I've known people who have done this, and come out worse for it. I can relate to it myself wanting to be anywhere but here, but that is no reason to just dive headfirst into something as momentous as this. I'm not saying that anyone here said that, it's just a huge reason why there needs to be a comprehensive resource such as the one I'm thinking about.
On a side note, I'm sure lots of people will try to flock to the Colorado training center now, seeing as how pot is legal in that state and all.


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