Re: Training Centers

I can absolutely understand your desire to get training, and it sounds to me as though you have the right mindset for it. In addition, you're doing the right thing in questioning locations, techniques, philosophies, all the things that should be important when choosing to spend 9 months of your life getting training.
I worked at BLIND Inc., the NFB training center here in Minneapolis, from March of 2010 to April of 2013, and I would be more than willing to help in whatever way I can. I know, given some of the content of this and many other threads I've seen abroad, that there are very mixed opinions on the NFB and consumer organizations in general, and I completely understand that.
My goal in writing this, though, is not to proselytize on the NFB or a particular training center; I'm sure you've seen plenty of that elsewhere already. My hope is that I can provide some information from having worked inside the system, plus my general exp erience working in consumer advocacy, to help you make your decision and clear up any questions you have.
I won't pretend to have all the answers, but if I can help, I'd like to.


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