Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Themadviolinist, living on campus is way different than living off of campus. The main difference is there are a lot more ways to socially interact with other college students living in the dorms. There are the public lounges where you can sit and hang out, watch T.V. together, or start up a card game or something with other students in the public lounge. There are usually social groups to join such as clubs where you and others can go and hang out and play games or do things together that you like. I also remember there were occasionally dances and other activities going on too that helped break the ice. Basically, like I said lots of opportunities to meet other people that doesn't generally happen if you live off campus in an apartment.

For example, one of my male friends I met in a public men's room in my dorm. I happened to be in their the same time he was. I was washing my hands at the sink and struck up a casual conversation with him.  Before I knew it w e spent 15 minutes talking, and he invited me over to his room that afternoon. That's just an example of how easy it is to meet people in college, and how living on campus does offer opportunities to meet friends without trying too hard.

When it came to girls again that was pretty simple. Since most dorms now days are coed all I had to do was walk next door to one of the girls' rooms, knock on the door and introduce myself. Sometimes the conversations went somewhere, and sometimes the girl was purely uninterested in me. Either way, finding female friends and girlfriends were usually easier than in high school because they often were right across the hall in my dorm or standing around sitting on benches outside my dorm where I could strike up a friendly conversation and see if it went somewhere.


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