Re: Star traders rpg for IOS accessibility update

Well I bought the elite version straight off, since if any game is   guaranteed to  be right up my alley it's this one.

I can tell it's going to take some work to understand and I thank sneak for the explanation, but this looks great fun, particularly since what I have got thus far of the backstory seems to set the game in a world similar to   Frank herbert's dune.

I've started the game and I think I have an idea how several things work. Working out how to trade for commodities was a bit whacky since I didn't realize that though vo calls all the boxes  containing numbers of things text fields you can't actually write in them, you just spin the slider, ---- and btw, the sliders here are indeed rather like the ones in Kodp, though they work a little more precisely with finger  sliding to different positions.  I also don't personally find the music a problem since as with  solara, Kodp and so me other games Vo automatically turns the music down while it is speaking, I don't know whether this is something on Ios7 or Iphone 5 but either way I'd rather have the music since the music is cool! big_smile.

I was initially slightly confused between the numbers showing the date and coordinates but I think I get that now. I do agree that the lables are a trifle missleading, eg, the st hud contracts (or streed hud contracts), leading you back to the game setup menue, but then again listening to the hints usually tells you what things are and I don't particularly mind doing that. The only label which seems to cause truble is the urban lable. I get that while on the planet's main screen urban means go to urban zone where the spice hall and exchange is, that's fine, but there is also a button labeled urban that pops up in the bridge   and when I tap it  it seems to initiate a   space encounter, just the same way tapping patrol does.

If anyone can explain that I'd appreciate it.

i've also had a quick look at the planet  selection menue which I can get to by hitting menue zoom out and then  tapping the st hud legend button. This seems fine, accept I don't seem to be able to tell the  coordinates of the planets on the map, and thus get an idea of how far away they are or how  much resources it'll take to get there, I also  can't tell any other  information about the planets besides their name, such as what faction they belong to or what resources they may have to trade. I have tried flicking the planets and listening for hints, and double tap and holding on the planets but no luck, it seems the only info is the name. I might well be missing something with this though. I'm now going to go and read the manual which can be found Here on the trees brothers site along with some other handy guides and  things.

Edit: Okay, I've had more of a poke at the game, tried some exploring, got some  rumous and done a few more contracts. I'm still having trouble with finding where to go to do what in terms of planets. I also have run into a problem with sliders when picking up commodities for my ship.  If there is more than 5 of something the slider works find with flicking up and down, however when there are 4 or less I just can't get the thing to move, whether I flick or slide or tap or whatever, it's stuck at zero percent.  This is okay when looting  ships after combat since there was a "loot all" button, but when I tried harvesting from a  planet and had more loot than hold space that didn't happen and I had to leave behind one unit of reccords and four units of chemicles because of  it, I 'm also flying about with one unit less hull and one unit less engines than I should be but can't fix them due to this issue which is a little irritating.

I also am not exactly sure how  rumous and navigation work especially when it comes to trading. I heard a rumour of some dark age technology on a planet called Ironhill, but I couldn't find that planet anywhere in the navigation list (I was on jarret  prime).   From what  I gather, the game works not by  trading commodities between ports but by  hearing rumours of where something is needed and going there, which is much more fun, but it would be helpful to be able to get to the place   in the rumour.

Edit the second: Okay, still no  luck with the map but I have fixed both the sliders and the  issue of how to tell trade prices. When trading a "report"  button will show up which gives you the costs  on other planets you've visi ted along with links to  navigate to those planets, though I'm not certain whether the  information is the current price on those planets  or the   price the various commodities were on those planets when you were  last there.

I have also solved the slider issue,  and I realize I was wrong, these don't work the same way as the ones  in Kodp at all!  when  there is more than 5 of something, you can just select different amounts by double tapping on the slider. When there is less than  five however what you need to do is tap  and hold the slider,  and then slide your finger to the right or left, but where as in kodp you had to do this to very careful incriments, in star traders you really need to go a long way across the display, ---- ie, almost pull your finger to the right edge of the screen to get from zero to %100, so that is fixed too.

The only bad news however is that I still haven't be en able to solve the problem of knowing where the various planets around me are.  I was taking contracts and also heading off to explore planets, however when coming back from my last exploration mission I seem to have got stopped in deep space. My first mate is telling me to head to a planet,  presumably because I don't have enough  water fuel or luxury food to get me to my contract destination, but I have no idea where the nearest planet is.

If there is no way to actually get an idea of where planets are, or  who they belong to on the screne, might this be added in the hints? eg, Jaret prime, 2- 4,  house jarret,  civilized. Since right now I have no idea which faction owns which planet until I get there, or indeed whether there is an urban zone on it at all!

Of course if this information is available   somwhere on the nav screen anyway, fair enough, it's just I've not found itas yet.


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