Re: Training Centers

I also live in a fairly small city, small enough to not currently have public transit, although there has been talk of implementing suc a system in a few years if the city continues to grow. As for the job thing I'm pretty much with Dark. I'm not willing to accept a low-functioning droan job just so I can be said to be employed. I also have no interest in call centers for the simple reason that, to quote a friend of mine, people don't call call centers because they're happy. I can only take so much of being yelled and cursed at over a issue over which, being the mere call center rep, I would most likely have no control whatsoever. The bigger consideration though is money. I would have to be sure that any job I would get would be able to compensate me for the cut te government would inevitably take out of my SSI. I would have to be able to pay the bills, keep food in the apartment and cover any costs related to my transportation to and from work. Ideally I would also have at least some money left over after all that. None of the jobs my rehab counselor at the Commission for the Blind advocated for would have fulfilled that requirement, especially not after allthe debt I incurred as a result of my last would-be romantic relationship.


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