Re: Training Centers

At rstrunk: Sorry for my ranting, I see your much more level headed and aware than most NFB officials I have had the pleasure of talking to. My acultist comment was a little over the top, i'll just put that on the table right now. But it would seem from the outside, that the NFB does indeed want to train lemmings, and I say this more of the individuals who have noted this in there stories of personal experiences at training centers. I personaly was very mainstreamed my whole life, only going to one local training center in my state for a month, which did help me brush up on some basic living skills. Believe me, I realize I am far from perfect, and could probably use more training, but it is difficult to stay positive when you hear of others not having the best quality NFB experience. I'm sure if you poke around forums like this one for NFB topics, you will realize my point. I simply feel that blind people would be in the best situation if they attempted to integrate with the sighted world as much, and as soon as possible, so that we as a society will have one less area that devides us. I knew a blind woman who told me that going to schools for the blind until she was an adult was the worst thing she ever did, as only hanging around only blind people gave her a very limited view of the real world. Those schools and training centers did not give her the social skills that she needed to interact with sighted peers effectively, and she applauded my efforts at public school and beyond. Again, i'm not down on the NFB as a whole, I realize that people need training, but perhaps, there needs to be a new approach that includes society integration and preparation for harsher challenges like avoiding being stereotyped, and placed in a nice little box to be labeled by society.


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