Re: Training Centers

Hi @turtlepower17
I'm going to start with post 63 and come back to your other post later. Unfortunately, I have a lot of housework that needs to get done tonight before family shows up tomorrow, and I spend a fair bit of time writing these posts.
So couple quick things:
At BLIND Inc. we did have self-defense classes from time to time. One of my students was even a third-degree black-belt, and she taught some pretty cool stuff. aside from that, we did bring in a Judo instructor to teach a few classes from time to time. At least right now, it's not done on a consistent basis, but that's not to say that couldn't be the case in the future. The personal trainer I work with in the evenings, for example, would love to set up a group for blind people to learn self-defense, and she has asked me for help doing so.
As for the shop projects, storing them, etc., I may not have been completely clear about what students do. The examples I gave are some of the larger ones, but I've seen everything from nightstands to speaker stands to a dollhouse with hand-split cedar shingles. One student even made a wooden leg with an eight-ball for the ankle. He wears it from time to time.
Students in wood shop get to pick their own projects; nothing is forced on them. Since they decide what they build, it can be as large or as small as they like. On one hand there is the 13-drawer dresser, but on the other is the oak communion set with hand-turned wooden vessels.
Am I bragging a bit? Yeah, but that's because the projects were freakin' cool!
There is no dark undercurrent to bragging about your work. It's certainly not required for students to brag about their projects. Some keep them and some give them to family members. The number of students I saw who gave their projects to spouses/kids/parents was pretty astounding. I know the NFB is often perceived as being dogmatic and preachy. I think it even came up a few p osts ago. But don't jump too hard at the idea of being proud of an accomplishment. If I carved my own guitar, I'd not only want to brag about it, but I'd want to play it for people.
Oh! I almost forgot!
One of the instructors at BLIND Inc. has a pretty interesting set of guns, and he will occasionally take people out to Target shoot. We also took students shooting when I worked in Honolulu. You might remember a news story from a few years ago about an NFB member in Michigan who took students shooting and was fired for it.
Personally, I'm with you. Let's kick some [redacted]


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