Re: preparation regarding copyright

Forum Staff:
We're going to start enforcing the copyright rules that we have.
You know... the ones you all agreed to?
Forum users:
Forum Staff:
We know we know. We don't particularly like it, but you all have to realize that we're a community and as a community we really have to put our best foot forward, especially when it comes to dealing with newly arrived mainstream developers. Do you want them to stumble on Bitch Fest Thread 3147372, ROM Download thread 5321 or Asset Stealing game thread 9127?
Forum Users:
Forum Staff:
This could  really help our relationship with mainstreaming gaming developers!
Forum Users:
Something something security through obscurity, something something big companies, something something don't care, blind people... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

I know this is why I stopped bothering to post here myself, It is always the same tired arguments that are trotted out, over and over again.
No one is reaching out to pluck crazy party from your hard drive, the audio vault won't be going anywhere any time soon hopefully and outside of this forum no one will be stopping you downloading what you like, cracking what you like and sharing what you like.
I don't like as much as the next person, but I totally get why this has to happen.  It has to happen so we don't end up looking like a group of gargantuan hypocritical assholes that protect their own while simultaneously not caring about swathes of copyrighted material because special blindies are special.

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