Re: preparation regarding copyright

Fun fact: police sign up for the job knowing they will never, ever catch every criminal. Lawyers sign up for the job knowing that they may be asked to defend a person who is guilty as hell, or prosecute someone innocent; they know, in other words, that no one gets it right every time. And my leftist politics tell me that no matter how many people I try to help, I can't ever do enough by myself.
None of these things stop us from doing what is right, so the "you can't possibly stop everything" argument is busted utterly.
Again (and I've said this like eleven times now, so please listen this time) we cannot reasonably expect to pursue everything, find everything. Police and experts are not digging ceaselessly through every street, every website, every building looking for crime. For every one crime reported, there are probably hundreds, even thousands, that nobody knows about. And this is ugly, but it's true. Our job is not to root out every crime, so to speak. Our job, and our intended stance from the beginning, is to take reasonable precautions. It is not to start a witch-hunt, or to ask every single developer to submit ironclad proof that they're following the law. That's the sort of police state I have honest-to-god nightmares about. No. What we're aiming for here is a crackdown on obviously fraudulent programs and practices, with an eye toward passive surveillance (i.e., if it comes to our attention, we deal with it, but we would be fools to think we'll catch everything). And if something we didn't catch gets through and causes trouble? We'll deal with that. At that point, we as a community will be able to say, "Yes, we used to be softer on this, but since such-and-such a time, we've been trying to be better. Thanks for pointing this one out".

Now, if you could kindly take all the sermonizing about my apparent dictatorship elsewhere and get back to the task of debating politely, point for point, that would be great.

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