Re: preparation regarding copyright

Oh, and Ironcross, just a quick rejoinder to all your issues:

1. If you're thinking of this as a power play, think again. I could not and did not force anyone to upgrade my status, but given the indecisiveness and other issues we've had, the whole team was behind this decision. What is more, if either of the admins at that time had really thought I was abusing my power or unfit for duty, they could have reprimanded me, removed me from power or otherwise blocked me from gaining more. I'm sorry that you don't agree with this decision, but to characterize it the way you have just tells me how very little you understand of the situation. And that's fine. I can't expect you to understand; you're not on list. But please don't go around waving a big stick if you don't know what you're on about. It usually ends badly. Take it from someone who has done this before and knows firsthand how it feels to have egg on their face.

2. I'm not prepared to talk specifically about what drove Liam to leave and all that jazz, but he has stated, both here and privately, that he might be willing to still help the team. Even though Liam is a person who sometimes does disagree with me and with my methods, I have been one hundred percent on board with bringing him back since day one. Know why? Because I like him, because I think he has a good head on his shoulders, and because I think he makes a pretty good mod, if I do say so myself. Also, because despite what you might think, I'll take criticism pretty well if you know how to deliver it. Liam, just as one example, has proven this. Am I perfect? God know. Your opinions alone prove that I'm rubbing some feathers the wrong way, even still, and while I'm working on it, there's only so much I'm able to do. But would a dictator who only wants to hold the forum in an iron fist actively welcome back someone who was able to act as something of a check on him when he sometimes went too far or said the wrong thing? Give that some thought.
3. Last but not least, I'm going to go a little deeper. Aaron, I apologize in advance. I won't tell specifics, but let's say that there have been a few people frustrated, on list I mean, with the lack of results and actions that have occurred. A lot of it has felt like pulling teeth. If asked, pretty much anyone on the list will tell you a few things about me. I can sometimes be critical of how Aaron and the team itself deals with issues, but I try and be fair about it. In addition, I'm not trying to undermine Aaron's confidence or anyone else's; I'm actually trying to build them up, if I'm able, because I'd rather work with someone than simply oust them and have everything pass to me. A dictator would probably either try to make people see his point of view, or force it on them, or bully/browbeat until the others gave up and gave him what he wanted. I did not push for this power; it was not even me who brought up the notion of adding on more admins (yes, plural), but I did support it when it came up; I did so with the caveat that if anyone had any problems, I wanted to know and I wanted to try and discuss them, because that's what a good team should do. I did not, in other words, leap at this chance, and I did not orchestrate it. It also needs to be said that while I have been largely hung out to dry on this topic in particular, it was not originally my brainchild. Copyright in a capitalist society makes sense, and capitalist society makes me want to bite things; ergo, the syllogism would posite that, if capitalism and copyright go hand in hand, and I hate capitalism, I also hate copyright. Unfortunately, I must've lost my magic wish-granting wand of dreams somewhere in the sovereign state of sophistry, and I can't just make my wishes come true on that score. So capitalism and copyright it is, ahoy!

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