Re: Our most amusing idiotic stories where we screw something up horribl

When I was little I was fearless. I don’t exactly know why. So I was playing on the jungle gym and a kid asked me if I wanted to play tag. Now I knew this jungle gym very well as it was a park that my street dead ended at and I been there lots of times. My plan was to run across the bridge and grab the fireman’s pole and slide down it. I could have also turned and ran up a platform to a slide. So I say sure and start running. I run across the bridge off the platform hit the pole fall to the ground and start crying. My mom explained to the kid that I was blind and he said “Oh man I’m sorry I didn’t know!”. I felt bad for making the kid feel bad and as much as it hurt I was bummed that I didn’t pull it off.
Another time we were camping and we went a lot with my extended family. I was still at the age where I liked to run around and had no fear. My mom’s solution tie a rope between 2 trees that if I hit I would know to turn back. It worked and the rope prevented me from getting to close to the river. The time comes to pack up and the rope was taken down. I was walking around when I slid down the river bank. No broken or twisted limbs just me and this river bank that was maybe an inch taller than me. So I can get my head above the bank but couldn’t manage to pull myself up. Luckily I heard my cousin and she pulled me up. I did a lot less running around after that.
When I was 10 or 11 I was riding my scooter at a house I never been to before down this large driveway. Someone was at the bottom to make sure I didn’t shoot off in to the street. So I speed down the driveway and everyone is yelling at me to go right. I didn’t react in time and hit a cement block at the end of the driveway. I flew off my scooter and got some mad air before landing on the cement. That really hurt. Needless to say I’m not as adventuress as I was as a kid.
Once I tried skiing with the PA blind sports organization. I was doing well at it and listened to the ski instructor. We were on the ski lift and she said wait until I tell you to stand and she probably even told me why but I can’t remember. For some reason I was either tired of listening to her or I just wanted to be finished so as soon as my feet touched the ground I stood and then got knocked over by the ski lift. That’s all the stories I have for now of stupid things I did as a kid.

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