Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

how bout this. for tytles. the moment u start getting tytles u urn certin rights.
so for example it might be rank dependant for the level of private, u start out with 20 medkits, 1 of each weapon, and the complete set of all the very very low armor.the catch, no bullets in the weapons? u need to find them.  the catch? it only happens once. so if u die? it does not happen again. its just a 1 time thing to get u started and to make the private feel special.
as for spesialist? he starts out with the exact same gear as private but gains, 1 can of fuel, and fifty rounds in all weapons. the only note. in this 2 catagories is. no vulkin minny gun. only the basic weapons is what he gains. as well as private.

this rank starts out out with all weapons. 1000 loaded of each round. but now the special weapons comes in. he has a vulkin. and a short bo.
nothing further there.
but this time he has the low armor set to guide him as well. so in esense he has the very low. and the low armor set with him.
the sergeant rank.
all things he gets from above catagories but now has 1 weapon extra the a 12. thistime 1500 rounds is loaded in all the weapons he has. medkits goes up as well to 1500, armor stays the same except he now gets 2 of each in the low? and very low set.

the Officer gets every thing the sergeant gets? but. 2000 rounds in all weapons. the previous catagories has? and 2000 medkits. yes it sounds rediculous but if u so far in the game being crazy is fun and a bit of a brake from the norm.
armor whise? 3 sets of each of the low and very low armor.
the Lieutenant rank, gets him the long bo. in the special weapons catagory added, and with  no bracer. he gets the same things. that the previous ranks gets?
all stays the same? but now. he urns 1 of every    basic  piece of medium armor.
that can be bought any ware. remember? no special medium armor? just the on es u can  buy every ware.

the Captain rank.
gets every thing in the previous ranks. but now he urns himself 2 sets of the basic medium armor. that is bought any ware. wich is aded? and. he gets a bracer for his bo.
his weapons rounds gets increased to 3000 rounds. medkits stays the same.

the Major, ranks gets every thing the previous ranks do but? he now gets 1 sterog, and one m sixteen, but with no bayonet.
he also gets 4000 rounds for all his weapons. and this time. he also gets 2 sets of the basic medium armor that can be bought any ware. plus he gains 2 pieces of composite armor.

the Colonel rank. gets all the items in the previous rank but now has 3 sets of basic medium armor.  and 3 composits. as well as 3 masks.
he also has an m seventy nine. and for the sake of a joke. he starts out with only 3 granades loaded. rfl!

the  Brigadier rank, gets him all the stuff from the previous rank, but adds, the  scar h, ACR , in to the mix. rounds for all weapons is now 5000.
in armor department all stays the same as the previous rank,  but, he now gains, 1 full set of the veriable protection armor.

the rank of the General, gets five of all sets of armor of the previous ranks. plus all findable medium armor. five of each. plus all findable and not buyable sets of the low armor. plus he gains five epilettes, and also gets a vector. and a oozy, added,

the lord. rank.
urns six sets of every piece of armor. that can be bought? plus that has to be found. he urns every thing in the very low. the low? the medium, the high, set. and the  verriable set.
he has all special weapons as well. he is started out with 10 thousand rounds for each.

and furthere more. since he got that far? he has running shorts as well.
he also starts out with   20 cans of fuel.

that is my suggestion for the chalange of tytles to make it more fun.
and re member. u only start out with that gear. if u die all of its gone. its a one time thing.
and o? aprone. i do see the options for abbuse in there. so there is a catch. all that items,  he got that was given to him? he cannot trade, he can only donate them if he wishes but they not tradable.
u guys feel free to chop and chip on those ideas. but this in my opinion wil be a nice insentave to urn tytles. don't you  think?


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