Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone


I am currently a hc player. it is fun, but can be daunting. Especially if not in a clan. And yes due to so few people in hc at any given time its hard to get on good missions. Most I have done are lower solo missions because of that. Finding a fort item and having no way to get it fixed and use it was also not fun. Now that you can trade those items to another hc player, I think not so much now.

As for weapons and assigning points. My char is not high enough to have encountered such a problem. But I do see how having most of the points in only a few weapons  can be troublesome. Unfortunately at this time I don't see a viable way to alleviate this except to level back some of the leveling difficulty given to the zombies by maybe half or even more. This would allow you to not have to put so many into one, but can then split it between 2 or more weapons. Innocence might be working. I don't know. . I just see some one putting 50 or a 100 points into it w hen they would rather be putting it into a weapon.

I was wondering something. Lets say I have an old character named bob. I want to keep him but at the same time for various reasons I want to create a totally new character named bob. If I create the new character and play it, will that over write the old character? Or is that old character ok and I can import him into another name in the future?

Also, since my character is now hc. When I reach level 80 I can go back to normal mode. When I hit level 150, if I convert to hc will that constitute a cycle?

I like Chow's suggestions. There probably should be more to a title than just the name. The rewards for getting them should help motivate some to proceed higher and play as a hc player.



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