Re: can I have a crazy party save?

Coming in a bit late here, but I figured I'd chime in. And while I read the mess that went on today concerning Liam's stream, I'm leaving that completely out of my thoughts in this post.

First and foremost, I'm not exactly sure why the op wants a CP save, and I'm not trying to incuicate anything in this post. I'm only speculating. It's certainly possible that he doesn't want to wreck his keyboard, finds many games too difficult, or doesn't want to do hard grinding again. I personally believe though that it's just a case of wanting it for the sake of having it. I'll mention that later, but will entertain the earlier mentioned points first since they're good to discuss, especially now that a minigames tournament is coming upcoming.

I'll admit CP is hard on keyboards. I grew up with key mashing games though so perhaps that's why I don't have a problem with that. I've become better in recent years at turning key mashing into relaxed key presses which I can retain without as much fatigue. I've had to, after hurting my wrists when I was a kid by playing too much troopanum and Blast Chamber. Those were the good old days hahaha. I don't quite understand how someone could wreck a keyboard playing CP though, to the point of justifying handing out a save to keep a new keyboard from being wrecked. Trust me, about half the key mashing games aren't that bad.

As an example, the games where you have to tap the four arrows in sequence can be much more of a breeze if you reposition yourself physically at the keyboard. For me, what works is left hand index finger on up arrow, then in the right hand, ring finger on right arrow, middle on down arrow and index on left arrow. Then lightly but quickly press up with left hand, then roll your right hand fingers to go rightdownleft, like a horse gallop. And just do that over and over, alternatingt between left hand on up, and right hand on the rightdownleft motion. Iirc there's another game where the sequence is up down right left or something like that, which is harder, but the jist is to just find a pattern you can do quickly and without any fatigue/pain. Of course there are those games which require you to hit a single key quickly, but using enter instead of f helps considerably in those situations, and while it's not exactly comfortable, I can cope if I hit enter with both hands. Sure, key mashing might not be for everyone in principal, and some people just aren't good at it, so I'm not trying to say it's this cool underrated mechanic or anything. I just think it gets a bad wrap because a lot of people focus on mashing more than safety and comfort. They can coexist.

I also will admit that CP has brutally difficult games which rely on accurate volume/pan/pitch separation. For someone with autism, the intellectual world can be a freeking nightmare. For the numerically challenged, the math games are equally so. ?For those who aren't pitch conscious, colored flowers, making a key, musical doors etc. may be a struggle. For those with hearing loss, everything is up in the air. If an intellectual game comes up, I'm among the lowest three places in score most of the time, and those who score lower than me in the intellectual games are often poor players in general, so I feel a little stupid to be among those. But if a math game comes up, I'm the last surviving which makes me kind of uncomfortable, , and with musical flowers especially, I am always winning competition unless I get distracted. I've been accused of cheating at these types of games more than once, though I do know people better than me, so that gives me comfort. CP is just riddled with things people can and cannot do, and it's unfortunately easy to cheat in a fair number of the games. But if you like to be pushed in many different directions, CP is great, though not without balancing flaws.

I can see if someone wanted an unlocked save just to experience everything; I have a friend who can't do any of the action games because he simply doesn't have the reflexes to cope with them, but I'd love to show him the games in the play room world since he just might enjoy those. I'd send him my save for that purpose if he asked for it. I also can totally see the point of sending a save to someone who lost their old save which had months worth of hard work put into it. I have absolutely no experience with battle mode, but I'll take yall's word for it that getting cards is a bitch, and I know how it feels to loose hard work after losing saves in BK2 and BK3 multiple times and just flat out asking a friend of mine for a completely unlocked save which he made.

I have a feeling, though, that this thread was not made for the purpose of discussing whether CP is hard enough to justify handing a save over to people who ask. Rather it is to post with an unrestrained display of a complete lack of effort.

christian wrote:

I know this has been posted plenty of times, but can I have a cp save file with everything or almost everything unlocked? and before you start telling me to work for it, I won't so don't even try. anyways, if you got a save file, post it here or contact me through pm's

If he had given a reason for wanting a save, and used the words please and or thanks, and left out the bit about being completely unwilling to put in effort, I would have considered, even though my save only has minigames so he probably wouldn't have liked it. But it sounds an awful lot like he wants everything for nothing. For all I know he downloads games and doesn't know a single mechanic of any one of them. Judging by that signature, it's at least a little likely. I'm not trying to spread rumors in bad faith, nor stop anyone from giving him their completely unlocked save, since there's nothing wrong with two friends who agree to help each other out. But this person sure doesn't sound like someone who actually wants to work for progress, or even enjoy the work that went into making the game. It just sounds like "I want, I want!" And it totally rubs me the wrong way when they expect strangers to fulfill empty demands. That aside, asking in public for a save may not always be a good idea; immature people may find it and use it for their own gain. Especially with a tournament coming up, I'm not in favor of people's saves getting out. People, especially those who show this kind of conduct, will do a lot for money.

I do hope, though, that the accusations of lazy, mooching etc. will stop. They really do no good. Regardless of whether they are true or not, they only make the climate worse.

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