Re: Interceptor audiogame?

I do see where the confusion came from if you weren't aware that the in built screen reader for apple machines is also called voiceover, though sinse I'm on windows myself I'm not worried about running the game.

I've looked at the site and the instructions for the game. The concept does look fascinating. I've always myself found turn based combat interesting when you must look at what your enemy does, way pup possibilities and then take appropriate action rather than just forming a correct equipment set and blasting away, so good thoughts on that.

My only slight concern is that with a limited number of enemy ship types there will be something of a lack of variation in gameplay, though how serious this is is difficult to judge without playing the game. However I do hope the possibility to maybe create some alternative ships to fight might be one you'd considder for a future update, perhaps with different types of enemies (after all there are always criminals and pirates ready to prophit from wars).

It would also be nice given the rich history in the game to have a little more in universe detail of the conflict than just level numbers, eg ongoing missions given to you each level to progress the plot and advance the setting, indeed this might be a nice way to encounter the different alien races, for example hearing that a sprak ship detected a hidden grey patrol and being sent to take them out.

I'll look forward to giving this one a try, and indeed seeing your other games. Having a series of games set in the same universe is quite a unique idea and both of your titles in development sound like interesting ideas though I know development can be a tricky business.

Btw, if you'd like any extra lines voiced I wouldn't mind helping with this project. I've voice acted in some other games, including the update of sarah from pcs, Airic the clerric and 3D velocity, and have a digital rec order as wel as some on stage experience, albeit I'm primarily a singer rather than an actor.
i also enjoy making up weerder alien voices.

Any idea on probable pricing?


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