Re: Interceptor audiogame?

As to the variability with the limited number of fighter types, that might be an issue over a long haul.  We have discussed adding in other weapons, other fighter types, and other features in a later version of the game, but right now, that is probably a long term goal.  We are hoping to get the game out first.  As to the universe and mission suggestion, I like both ideas, and this would be a probable direction we would take the game in future.  This is our first game and we deliberately made some design choices to make things simpler both from a creative standpoint and a coding standpoint.  The different ship types do use different AI algorithms, so I hope they are enough of a challenge.  I know that as I have playtested it, I used what I consider to be one optimal strategy and I have only managed to beat the game a handful of times to my satisfaction. 

The universe and a lot of the background material came together late in the design pha se of Interceptor, so it probably will not initially integrate as much of the background detail as I would like.  Our second offering, Expanding Known Space, will probably suffer somewhat from this problem as well since it was initially conceived in an abstract form.  However, these games are both building blocks toward where we eventually want to arrive.  Some of the later games in our projected list would use both a map-driven and menu-driven elements.  We've discussed some first person shooter elements as well.  However, that's all future talk.

We're trying to stay grounded and make sure that the product is the best quality we can produce.  That is one reason we have kept a lid on it as a project for so long.

Finally, in answer to your question about price.  Price is of course very subjective.  One person's cheap game is another person's out of reach dream.  However, we're shooting for the low end of the spectrum.  Definitely not more than $20 and probably significantly cheaper.  That is one advantage of using a proven game engine like BGT and having only a single coder and a single creative designer.  I hope this answers questions.  And we might take you up on the voice acting:)

Take care,



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