Re: buying a new computer soon, suggestions

Yes I think that first one is definitely overkill, but also keep in mind that if you buy a more powerful laptop now, than it will probably still be usable in like 7 years as long as you treat it well, where as if you buy a lower powered but cheaper one than it may only be good enough for 4.
Also, generally the more powerful the computer, (and that one looks like a gaming laptop or high powered workstation) the worse your batterylife will be and the heavier and thicker the machine, though you will probably get more port options and upgrading/repairing the computer will often be easier on a bigger laptop.
I would suggest at least 6GB of RAM and an I5 8th generation or Ryzen 5 3000 series processor as well as an SSD of at least 128GB, but everything aside from that is all up to you.
You shouldn't have to pay more than 750 USD for a machine like that at most, and if you are than your getting ripped off and should either wait for a big sale or try another manufacturer.
If you want to watch lots of movies and shows, you can save money by buying an external hard drive or even a fast high capacity USB flash drive to store them on, or even a plan with a cloud provider, or just go with streaming services and avoid the issue altogether.
Laptop Mag, Thom's hardware, and Notebookcheck are all resources I trust for getting good in depth reviews of laptops before buying, but checking customer reviews on retail sights like amazon from users who have had the machine for a while and have more than a single sentence to say is good too, especially if you run the page link through fakespot first.
Good luck!

I mean it is kinda impressive the sound they can get out of such small speakers using these technologies though, and I get that your gonna need thinner speakers as laptops get slimmer and lighter, but yeah it sucks for us, as well as for people doing audio mixing or home theater stuff.

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