Re: What do you think of this video?

Accman, we are all the same species.
Race and species are different things. I urge you to update your definitions a little bit. The _expression_ "human race", in this case, is something you're tweaking to suit your angle.

As I said, it's great that you see everyone as equal. And we agree that the world at large needs to do this far more often. Did you watch the video I posted? If you didn't, you should. What I'm saying is that the world at large is -not doing this right now, and the reason you're seeing riots, anger, outrage and whatnot being spread is because, as the video itself points out, what the hell else is there?

It's really, really easy to say "look past all the inequality" when you are not the target of that inequality. Yes, we eventually need to get there. But you know what we need to do first? We need to accept that it's happening. And after that, we need to actually address it. do something about it. Sometimes this means calling people out. Sometimes this means affirmative action. sometimes this means being a good ally and listening instead of talking. Sometimes this means doing everything you can to overturn busted systems or to protest decisions that will hurt minorities. What it does not mean is saying, "Oh, that's horrible, but I don't do that so, uh, good luck". That doesn't contribute to any solution. Again, it's ridiculously easy to say "we're all the same" when you are not being hated for the fact that you are different.

Here's a scenario for you, which should rather aptly sum up the views you're expressing.
A house is on fire. The owner of the house gets out, and within your earshot manages to call the fire department. "Help! Our house is on fire! Please send a fire truck!"
You immediately get on your phone, and you also call the fire department. "My house is near the one that's on fire," you tell them. "Please send enough fire trucks to make sure that everyone's house, especially mine, is safe too."
This is a really succinct summation of the rhetoric you're using, and anyone who pulls the "all lives matter" card is doing just about the same thing.
When someone's house is on fire, you don't yowl about how your own house might burn if it's fully across the street and at no risk of burning.
If your friend is dying of colon cancer, you don't go to them and talk about how you have a terrible headache, so really everybody suffers the same.
You don't do these things because they're fucking insensitive. And until you can apply that to race, you are a part of the problem.
And by "you", I mean anyone who uses this sort of philosophy. This is not a personal attack or a condemnation, but lest anyone wish to jump on Accman's bandwagon, please know that you will be a part of the problem.

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