Re: What do you think of this video?

It took me a while to get why BLM should be a thing. My thinking was that every single life has value; which I still hold to. However, what we need to do now is put emphasis on the black community and how they're being mistreated. Now, I see BLM and ALM as two endpoints on a road map of where we are now and what is to come. That is to say, when we've begun to eliminate racism, we'll start to shift to ALM because the more work being done to address systematic racism, the less we'll need to emphasize black lives. In other words, ALM represents an idyllic societal shift away from racism, but we're not there yet.

I also don't think the average, every day citizen is as racist as we've been lead to believe. In jurisprudence, there is the concept of mens rea when charging someone with a crime. It represents their state of mind at the time of the incident, and helps to determine whether or not the intent to commit the crime was present. Not to digress too far afield, but this is what's preventing Derek Chauvin from being charged with first degree murder - the lack of premeditation and the lack of provable intent to commit the crime. Now is ignorance rampant among some of the populous? Yes it is. But we can't conflate ignorance with racism unless it's the person refuses to be educated.

That's not me saying that everything's cool and we can go back to life like nothing happened, I just think the media is doing what they do best, and working people into a frenzy. Maybe this time, it will do some good; I certainly hope so. But give it another two weeks and most of the people will stop posting about BLM.

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