Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Cool story, bro, but you don't have the first clue about why I feel the way I do. You're still tacitly okay with people dying because you've politicized a virus. There's no other way to spin this.

Regarding my employment situation: I graduated college not too long ago, and I'm working on my SSW certification. It's a slow process, and I'm currently awaiting approval. Once approved, I can seek a job with my accreditation and can go to work putting my money where my mouth is. I am ready to don PPE, maintain proper physical distancing and brave an uncertain work force in troubled times because this is what I trained for, and because people need help. I'm not front-line medical staff, obviously, but the ones who are often hit the hardest during pandemics are those with fewer resources, and this is where I wanted to devote my life's work. So...yeah. I'm not sure how that fits into your narrative, but I don't intend to remain an armchair critic. It's easy to do for now, but it's not nearly all I want from life. Doesn't stop me calling you out for exactly what you are, mind.

Here's hoping that if you do get sick, you get better. And here's hoping, too, that if you do infect anyone else, they, too, get better. Because I suspect you have a conscience of some sort, someplace, and I'd hate to think of you chewing antacids at three in the morning a year from now,  and wondering if your arrogance and patriotism and need to be a right-winger and need to smell things in freedom  needlessly cost someone their life. As I've said before, nobody's perfect, and I wouldn't be saying any of this if you were purely frustrated. But the depth to which you've expressed yourself shows clearly where your priorities are, so everything I've said on this stands.

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