Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Okay, I'm going to deal with these one at a time, so this might take a little bit to read through.
1. Covid-19 exists.
There's no denying that, and I never said it didn't.
2. Covid-19 is capable of killing, at a rate somewhere between 0.3-0.6% of those infected.
Yes, it is capable of killing, and here in America our experts and authorities were caught trying to inflate the number of deaths which is a known fact, and why they are now focused primarily on new cases and not the fact that deaths and hospitalizations have been dropping overall.
3. There is currently no cure and no vaccine. Treatment is based on the relief of symptoms.
Yes, there isn't a cure, I won't deny that, and the reason is that it is a virus and not a disease that one just cures. Like all viruses, this thing is going to have to run its course, and we're going to have to naturally build up an immunity to it. Let's also not forget that many of the symptoms are not exclusive to this virus alone, so that's why I don't always trust the numbers of positive cases that are reported. For those of you who didn't know, there were over 33,000 false positives in Florida alone recently, so that's something to keep in mind.
4. While the fair majority of Covid-19 deaths can be attributed to people who are older or who have underlying health conditions, this isn't always true. Covid-19 can kill perfectly healthy adults, teenagers and even children.
For the most part, I agree. However, in many places, there haven't been many deaths among younger adults or teens, and almost nothing so far as children are concerned. Here in Pennsylvania, we've lost no children to this virus, not one, and we've lost very few younger adults and teens.
5. The spread of the virus is primarily achieved via airborne droplets entering the mouth and nose. That is true, but also true of the common cold and many other viruses out there that we've faced and that we've not yet encountered. There's nothing different with this one as far as how it spreads. What will we do next, shut down the entire nation when someone sneezes or coughs? I don't think so.
6. Wearing a mask is not foolproof, but if proper hygiene requirements are followed, the risk of two-way transmission is lower. This is borne out by areas with more compliance showing lower Covid-19 infections almost universally. This can't be an accident.
Why did we never wear them before then? With the various Flu outbreaks, and everything else, there were no mandates that you had to mask up even if you were just leaving your home to go for a ride in the car or out for a walk. Funny how the same people who make such a big deal out of forcing us to wear masks in this country can't be for something as sensible as having people show their ID's when they go to vote. Let's see, it's the mask now. Since we've let it come to this, I wonder what it will be next. Also, good hygiene is something we all should be practicing and should have been practicing before. That only makes sense.
7. Covid-19 doesn't care who you are or what you believe. It doesn't have feelings. It infects where and when it can.
Well, that's kind of a given. Viruses are amoral, not having the ability to care who they infect ro don't infect. That's never changed, and so back we go to the solid science of letting them run their course and building up a natural immunity.
8. If you get people together, you increase the risk of someone inadvertently spreading the virus. The more people gather in a given place, the greater the potential for mass infection. Rallies, sporting events and the like, especially if taking place indoors, would represent considerable risk.
All right so let's play this one through to its logical conclusion. This would mean no more sports events, no more parties of any kind, no more church or any other form of worship in public thus violating the first amendment of the US Constitution, no more theme parks for the kids, no more summer camp for the kids, no more public school (might not actually be a bad idea given what passes for public education nowadays), no more conventions of any kind, no more going to your favorite restaurants or bars unless you preregister, and, can't leave this one out, no more protests whatsoever for any reasons or causes whatsoever. I included protests because many who attended these things of late have been seen on video as not wearing there masks or not wearing them properly, and were standing shoulder to shoulder. What happened to social distancing? Seems it doesn't matter to state and local leftist governments who have chosen not to say anything about it when it pertains to the cause they happen to be behind. I find it interesting that we can go into the streets and protest and cause dammage without wearing maks and practicing social distancing, but we cannot go into the nursing homes or hospitals to see loved ones and friends even when wearing masks. That is a major double-standard that is going to have to be dealt with.
9. Masks do not seriously compromise or threaten the health, safety, comfort or rights of any given individual who doesn't have underlying conditions. They are a frustrating inconvenience that has a chance to save lives. Asking a sighted person to wear a blindfold is in no way comparable, unless wearing a blindfold would somehow contribute to a net decrease in the spread of a potentially lethal virus.
Right, the masks do not essentially present any risk to those with no underlying conditions. However, what of those who actually do have conditions that would make wearing the things impossible if not dangerous. I won't wear one because I am not willing to deprive myself of another sense than blindness, that sense being the sense of smell which would be inhibited due to the mask covering the nose. I also never said, nor even implied, that a sighted person wearing a blind-fold would stop the spread of a lethal virus. I do not know where you came up with that, but i never said it, and would never have even thought of it to begin with. I was merely using that to prove the point about sensory deprivation, but apparently that was, as I knew it would be, missed completely.
10. Complete inaction due to fear is unrealistic. Complete disregard of health guidelines due to stubbornness, patriotism or ignorance represents stupidity of a staggering caliber. Complete inaction is unrealistic, but so too is the notion of following so-called experts like Anthony Fauci and the like who have no idea of anything. If the guidelines keep changing all the time, then how do you know that you haven't caught the stupid virus already? The truth is that you don't because they don't. Many disregard health guidelines like these because there is just too much conflicting information coming from the folks claiming to be experts. Again, it all goes back to practicing good hygiene and fortifying your immune system like we learned, hopefully, in science back in school. People are also refusing to follow these health guidelines in the name of patriotism because, at least in this country, we still have rights guaranteed to us by our Constitution. those rights are being infringed upon in a manner we've not seen here before, and this has never been done in our country's history and in any of the pandemics we've dealt with until now. I will also point out that this all really started here in the US right after the pathetic, and predictably failed, attempt by the left to remove the president. Yeah, call it conspiracy theory if you like, but you can't ignore the timing of these things.

1. This isn't a killer plague that's going to entirely wipe out the human species, so excessive fear-mongering is bad. this is what I've been trying to say the whole time, and others like me have been saying it as well. We've faced way worse than this, and never before has the country been brough to a standstill.
2. This is, however, a pandemic that has already cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and it's not nearly finished yet.
Though not reported, the number of deaths here in the US has actually been dropping, and hospitalizations have been dropping as well. It was, and will not be, anywhere near as bad as the experts had thought.
3. Since masks and health protocols help save lives, we should probably try to follow those recommendations as often as we can. This doesn't mean hiding in your house and only going out while dressed in a HAZMAT suit, but it does mean due diligence.
In principle, I agree. However, when I look back at our country's history and see that no shut-downs or mandates like this have ever been put in place in the past pandemics, then something's wrong. As far as masks are concerned, it is nobody's business whether you wear one when you leave the house or not. I've seen where restaurants in other states won't even serve people who aren't wearing masks. Folks, if you're going to eat, you're going to have to remove the mask, there's no way around it. So, that is completely stupid.
4. Belief, anger and hope won't make this go away. Covid-19 doesn't care how anti-leftist or anti-Trump you are. Agreed, this thing is going to run its course no matter what. People are, however, angry because they've lost their jobs, and the means of providing for their families and themselves, all because of governments and so-called experts way overstepping their boundaries here.
5. We have experts that know far more than we ever will who are dedicating their life's work at present to trying to contain this virus the best they know how. This means treatment. This means physical distancing and other health measures. We should probably trust them more than we trust our gut. And when the majority comes to a conclusion, they're very likely right.
If those same experts who know so much were recommending that we all jump off a cliff, would you go along to get along and do it? Never follow anyone blindly because they seem like they know more. These experts know absolutely nothing which is why the information they have for us, especially what we should and shouldn't be doing, keeps on changing. No, I think I'll stick to common sense and my ability to think for myself. I don't need someone pretending to be my mom or dad telling me what I should be doing as I am an adult and am perfectly capable of making those decisions for myself.

I close again with this. If you want to wear the masks, if that makes you feel safe, then all power to you and I wish you all the best. However, don't go around ratting people out who choose not to because they are willing to think for themselves and accept responsibility for that choice. I won't force you not to wear a mask, so don't anyone tell me that I have to wear one either. Sorry for the long post, and thanks for staying with me through it.

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