Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Let's deconstruct and depoliticize. Stick to raw facts that I think most people can agree on.

1. Covid-19 exists.
2. Covid-19 is capable of killing, at a rate somewhere between 0.3-0.6% of those infected.
3. There is currently no cure and no vaccine. Treatment is based on the relief of symptoms.
4. While the fair majority of Covid-19 deaths can be attributed to people who are older or who have underlying health conditions, this isn't always true. Covid-19 can kill perfectly healthy adults, teenagers and even children.
5. The spread of the virus is primarily achieved via airborne droplets entering the mouth and nose.
6. Wearing a mask is not foolproof, but if proper hygiene requirements are followed, the risk of two-way transmission is lower. This is borne out by areas with more compliance showing lower Covid-19 infections almost universally. This can't be an accident.
7. Covid-19 doesn't care who you are or what you believe. It doesn't have feelings. It infects where and when it can.
8. If you get people together, you increase the risk of someone inadvertently spreading the virus. The more people gather in a given place, the greater the potential for mass infection. Rallies, sporting events and the like, especially if taking place indoors, would represent considerable risk.
9. Masks do not seriously compromise or threaten the health, safety, comfort or rights of any given individual who doesn't have underlying conditions. They are a frustrating inconvenience that has a chance to save lives. Asking a sighted person to wear a blindfold is in no way comparable, unless wearing a blindfold would somehow contribute to a net decrease in the spread of a potentially lethal virus.
10. Complete inaction due to fear is unrealistic. Complete disregard of health guidelines due to stubbornness, patriotism or ignorance represents stupidity of a staggering caliber.

So what are the conclusions we can draw from what's written above? It's simple.

1. This isn't a killer plague that's going to entirely wipe out the human species, so excessive fear-mongering is bad.
2. This is, however, a pandemic that has already cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and it's not nearly finished yet.
3. Since masks and health protocols help save lives, we should probably try to follow those recommendations as often as we can. This doesn't mean hiding in your house and only going out while dressed in a HAZMAT suit, but it does mean due diligence.
4. Belief, anger and hope won't make this go away. Covid-19 doesn't care how anti-leftist or anti-Trump you are.
5. We have experts that know far more than we ever will who are dedicating their life's work at present to trying to contain this virus the best they know how. This means treatment. This means physical distancing and other health measures. We should probably trust them more than we trust our gut. And when the majority comes to a conclusion, they're very likely right.

I hope that's clear enough for you, and hopes to dispel some of the misinformation and ignorance flying around in here.

Enes, thank you for the correction about SARS. That's one piece of info I didn't have, so I appreciate having it now.

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