Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Accman, if this forum exists in three years, and if you've seen any sort of change in perspective by then, I hope you can dig up your most recent post in this thread and have a really good look at it.

I won't break your counterarguments down piece by piece. There's no point. You either agree with a few points of mine, or deflect on every other one. There is nothing I said that you actually disproved, or even tried to, really.

I can boil your entire rebuttal down to the following:

Experts aren't experts because they keep changing their minds. I'm tired of listening to them so I'm going to go ahead and become a disease vector because that sounds like my God-given right as an American.
Boy, isn't the timing of Covid-19 convenient, considering how soon it came after the attempted impeachment of Donald Trump? I mean, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but then again...
Your right to live is about equal to my right to smell things.
Old people don't deserve extra protection even though they're at greater risk; why are we forced to wear masks around them to keep them safer, anyway?
Arguing with facts is hard, so I'll stick to trying to be a hypocrite by using fear. It's okay for me to represent mask-wearing and physical distancing as the new normal forever because it's a scary, uncomfortable prospect. It's not okay for others to be scared or uncertain due to what experts are telling them though. I'm happy to use fear as a point of argument because I really don't have much else, and I'm happy to call out others who suggest caution because it's not fair to use fear to control people, damn it.
Really, what it comes down to is that we all need to get sick already. Only a couple hundred million would have to die that way, and what's a few hundred million dead people next to freedom, am I right?

That's pretty much what you're saying. If you don't like it, change your tune. I'm not cherry-picking. I'm not twisting your words. I'm following your assumptions to either their stated conclusions or to their logically implied ones. When you get down to brass tacks, you want people to die. No amount of squirming or equivocation changes this. You claim that you're okay with people wearing masks, but in almost every other bit of your rhetoric you're saying that people should just go ahead and get used to this, stop cowering in their homes, stop using protection, and accept that this isn't nearly as bad as they're being told. You question experts, ignore health recommendations that are meant to protect people other than yourself, make straw-men by the dozens to prop yourself up with, and it all comes down to the fact that you have politicized a process that is absolutely beyond all sense of morality.

Oh, and do some fucking research about the 1918 flu pandemic, why don't you? Maybe the bubonic plague, also known as the black death? Yeah, we humans don't actually have a great track record when it comes to pandemics. Sure, we've survived them, but that doesn't mean that we did the best we could. When a child wrecks the famil car after stealing the keys, we don't tell the child that stealing the keys again is okay purely because they escaped the crash with a broken arm. We address the problematic behaviour, and in general, humanity hasn't been great at doing that with regard to pandemics. Unfortunately, Covid-19 is going to go down in American history as another failure, at least thus far, and no amount of screaming on your part is going to change that. This isn't a matter of everyone panicking and overreacting to something which should've just been left alone to run its course. This was bungled pretty much from day 1, and rather than continuing to defend those actions, your best course forward would be to o wn up to your country's mistakes, and recognize that believe it or not, minds greater than your own really do know what they're doing, and are working as hard as they can to minimize the mess.

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