Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Re experts contradicting themselves, that's primarily because, despite not feeling like it, this virus is still relatively recent, so what is known about it keeps changing as more studies are done and more data comes in. I get that it seems confusing to most people, but experts changing their minds is actually a good thing, I would be suspicious of someone who sticks to their point no matter the evidence. Obviously anyone can be wrong, but the odds that an expert on a particular subject is right is more likely than you being right and the expert wrong, so I'd rather go with what they think.
I also don't see how deaths would be significantly overreported. In South Africa we've had a few cases where the cause of death was in dispute, but it's a handful of cases among thousands and not likely to make much of a difference. And as said before it is likely outweighed by underreporting due to people dying away from hospitals. I also don't really get what people in power would gain from overreporting deaths, as this would reflect poorly on them. Some governments might use fear about the virus as a pretext to increase control, but they would still then want to be seen as dealing with it and keeping people safe.
Also about one person infecting many others, this does actually happen. They're called superspreaders, and although they are rare as a percentage of infected people they have an outsized role in causing outbreak clusters. There have been confirmed cases of single individuals infecting many more people than that.
And I'm very confused about how masks are about control. Control of what? Who benefits from people wearing masks? And where has it been proven that they don't work?

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