Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

okay guys. I said I would provide backup for why I come at this the way that I do, and I will do that here.
Keep in mind, I am not primarily looking at just the number of cases here, but I am looking at them in light of the population as a whole.

When I last checked it, the world population stood at 7,796,085,098 people. However, that figure is always going to be changing, so we'll run with that number for the purposes of this illustration. The other figures I will be working from are from those which Ethin had posted earlier today, and have likely changed. However, for this example they will give a general idea of where I am coming from.

As of the time he posted this information, the total number of cases worldwide was 11505482.
The total number of deaths was shown, at that time, to be 535641.
If we calculate the percentage of that total number of cases in relationship to the total population, we find that about .14 percent of the world's population is known to have the virus. If we look at the deaths in relation to the world's population, we find that the number of deaths would come to be a very weird percentage number, 6.870640754516813e-5. That is, when you look at it, a very small figure.
Now, let's look at things from the vantage point of the United State population.
The total population of the United States, as of the last time I looked, is 331,033,524 people, so we'll use that for the purpose of this example.
As before, we'll use the figures that Ethin had earlier posted just to get a general idea of how things look.
The total number of cases in the US was shown as being 2975389.
The number of deaths overall for the US is 132538.
Now if we look at percentages, we find that out of the entire United States population, about .8 percent are known to have the virus, not even a whole percentage of the population. If we look at the number of deaths in relation to the overall population, we find a percentage of 4.003763679233889e-4.

So, there you have it, based on some of the most recent figures. So, we're under all these regulations, worldwide as well as in the United States, over these percentages that I just showed you. This just shows that there has really been nothing to worry about, no reason to shut down businesses, no need for people's lives to have been ruined the way they have, and no need for these regulations and mandates. The math does not lie, and I did double-check to make sure I did it correctly. If this isn't enough, then there's nothing more I can do for you. It is because of what I have had confirmed for me in running these numbers that I am going about my life the way that I am. If such a time comes where things do get much worse, then, and only then, will I put myself under these kinds of mandates. I hope it never comes to that.
Ethin, I thank you once again for having posted those figures earlier, I really appreciate that. Now, let's allow all of this to sink in, let the full ramifications of what these figures mean to be realized, and then see what you think about having to mask up when you just want to leave your home and go for a walk, out to eat, shopping, or what have you. It just doesn't make sense to do any of that.

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