Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Accman, I've asked this before. How did you actually straight-up lose your career? I can understand being laid off for the foreseeable future, but I'm not sure why a career you once had is now completely nonviable, unless that career was something like professional virus-spreader. That's a joke, BTW; I'm sure that is not, in fact, what you were doing, because who does that?

The reality is that the world would never have been able to grind to a complete stop. Why do you think grocery stores stayed open? Why do you think truckers still had to go to work? Why do you think UPS, Canada Post and other shipping companies continued to function? No one was ever suggesting that every single person stay home, refuse to leave their home, refuse to open windows, and just wait to die. That's not realistic and it misrepresents the situation. Instead, we were asking people to maintain better physical distance, to not gather unless absolutely necessary, to wear masks if they had to interact with the public to any serious degree. Many people did this, and in countries where compliance was higher, recovery was quicker. In countries like the United States, where resistance to said safety guidelines was higher, you end up with a very scary per-capita infection rate. You said yourself that numbers don't lie, so you're hung up by your own logic here. Better compliance (read: not being completely shut in, but taking precautions) leads to better control, lower transmission, lower strain on the medical system. After all, people can still function in society by wearing masks; certain professions do it all day, every day, irrespective of the pandemic.

It's one-thirty in the morning, and you're ready to head home from the bar. You're pretty tipsy, but you decide to get in your car anyway. You figure it's only two miles to reach your home, and the roads are quiet at this time of night. You start driving, and all seems well...but then a cop shows up, pulls you over, tests your blood alcohol level and charges you with driving under the influence of alcohol. The cop is right to do it; you broke the law, and the law is there for a good reason because people die every day from drunk driving.

It's five o'clock, and you decide to head down to the local ice cream parlour for a tasty treat. You live in a small community, but a state-wide law says that not wearing a mask can result in a fine. You haven't heard of any Covid-19 cases in your community, so you decide that you don't need to wear a mask; it violates your rights and freedoms, and really, who's going to get hurt, anyway? There's a problem though. A sign on the door says, "Open for business! Take-out only. By law, customers must wear a mask while on the premises. No mask, no service. We appreciate your patronage. Help us stay safe and stay open." You shake your head, and go to push open the door. You are immediately asked to leave because you aren't wearing a mask. At first you protest, but then you turn away in disgust. A helpful policeman, wearing a mask, has decided to get ice cream at the same time, and, noticing that you are in violation of the law, slaps you with a fine. The cop is right to do it. You are in violation of a law meant to protect public safety, and people die every day from Covid-19.

The average drunk-driving-related deaths per day is 30. Can you say the same of Covid? Because to me, the virus is the clearly bigger threat.

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