Re: Where Are The Audio Gamers?

Hi everybody! Thanks for all the thorough responses. They're fascinating to read and really informative. I didn't ever mean to imply that we're targeting a homogeneous group of people, more that we were missing a good avenue to reach a larger number of people, within which we'd find our audience.

Just to put my oar in on the future of audio games. I don't think audio games will ever take the place of games with visuals, that's absurd. I think accessibility being added to main stream games is obviously hugely important and a great place to put time and energy. However, I also think that the medium of audio game hasn't been anywhere near fully explored. Given the success of audio based media- music/audiobooks/podcasts etc. it seems completely reasonable to me that interactive audio experiences, or 'Audio Games' can be a large and profitable industry in its own right. I just don't think it's been cracked yet, and there hasn't been a compelling enough audio experience to draw large numbers of people in. This is what we're trying to achieve at Purple Jam, primarily with A Dusklight Story among other projects. We're trying to make a market.

Before Henry Ford made the model t, when people were asked what they wanted for transport they would say a faster horse. Before the first iPhone people didn't know they wanted a touch screen phone. On a much smaller scale, this sort of paradigm shift is what we're trying to create.

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