Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

242, oh but there are sources of money for universal income. You would need a  tax on the ultra-rich, and that could easily pay for itself, or you could tax wall street, by taxing every stock transaction, which the UK and europe do anyway. Wallstreet contributed emensely to the crash of 2008, so they should help clean up this one too. But the rich going to china or Europe is not a possibility. Those countries actually have a much higher tax rate, not sure of China, but Europe most definately.  Sanders also covered this possibility, by proposeing imposing a 60% exit tax on wealth if someone wanted to take large sums of money out of the country. But to tax the rich, you need to tax money they hold, not just the money they make, or it will be fruitless. A wealth tax in addition to an income tax should exist. I think as you, that covid  underscores the need for healthcare independant of your job as well as  universal income of some sort, and a better social safety net. Education too. The class division perpetuates itself. For example, say you were born in an underdeveloped state, or city, or a poor neighboorhood. You will go to poorer schools, with less funding that may do a worse job of teaching you, then which will lead you to do worse on tests, which will lead you to no college, or  not a good one. Even if you got into one, if your family couldn't pay for it, you are without an education. I would think you understand the patern here.

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