Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

So let me get this straight.
You don't believe you'll change most people's minds directly, so you would rather disprove their claims publicly as a way to cut through the ignorance for others who may still be on the fence.
And yet the way you choose to do this is to use harsh, demeaning, and often overly broad language, while usually not providing sources for your opinions?
Most adults don't like seeing that kind of attitude, it's mainly the people who think allot like you who wouldn't mind, and you don't need to convince them anyway. while  Your average politically interested forum user probably finds posts like that pointless drama at best and a good reason to not listen to others with your same ideas at worst.
There is a reason that people shy away from those who scream their opinions to anyone near by and insult those around them...  You've probably seen it with upset customers a couple of times in stores for instance.
Even if people passing by agree that what happened to them isn't fare, the way that they are acting automatically makes them not want to listen as much.
Is that logical?  Maybe not, but it is a fact of the human condition.  And you would be well served in your goals by learning how to work with it rather than fighting against it.

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