Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

Er, so I used to think that Democrats were weird and evil and communism = socialism = bad.  So before you go around saying no one changes their mind, remember that there's at least one member of this forum who is possibly the furthest left who changed their mind in their 20s.

Just because I'm no longer willing to try to hold the moral high ground and avoid hard feelings doesn't mean that I don't recognize that probably half the people supporting Trump just do it from momentum and preconceptions they got from their parents or whatever.  Perhaps most people's views are fixed, but frankly that's not that they *have* to be fixed, it's just that for a massive majority of the population in any country, you get to pick between vote based off momentum and work your 60-hour-a-week job, or have the bandwidth and time to do research.  The U.S. makes this worse, but there is a massive difference between the statement "most people's views are fixed" and "in the informed voting population, most people's views are fixed".

Difference between Trump and those who came before, though, is this: given a chance to address the American people, he consistently makes a fool of himself.  So at this point, being an uninformed voter kind of means unplugging the TV and the internet and finding a nice rock to actively crawl under.  So for that reason I have less patience for it.  But nonetheless, the point stands, and especially so in more normal times.

But frankly you also don't seem to understand policy either, so you should maybe consider that as well.  "The U.S. should go full socialist because it worked for other countries" is a fine stance to take which nonetheless entirely ignores all the practicalities of getting there.  I sort of agree.  But the dependency chain starts at get the population on board with that, then get the political momentum to last out the 10 to 20 years it takes to make that transition, etc.  That timeline is the "we all want this more than anything" timeline, there isn't a magic socialism wand, it genuinely takes that long.  You can't just blast through this stuff with a  wrecking ball.  If Sanders got elected tomorrow, he'd accomplish almost nothing, which is one of the reasons I'm glad that Biden won.  I like Sanders, but in my opinion it is a mark of political maturity to recognize that just because you like a candidate doesn't mean they can get things done, and also a mark of political maturity to realize when wanting a thing isn't actually enough.  I suppose some of this comes down to you not living in the U.S., but I would also expect someone who doesn't live in a particular country to recognize that maybe they don't understand the actual landscape.

You might google coordination problem and start going down that rabbit hole.  Society is actually really, really hard to fix.

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