Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

People are upset about Lukas's signature? Well maybe if you hadn't dogpiled him when he made this mistake and then asked for help in fixing it, he'd still be here. I don't know that I'd leave in that scenario, but I get it, and I sympathize with the dude. This forum, or parts of it, have turned pretty cannibalistic, and folks, that's not pleasant to watch, much less be the target of.

Did Lukas make a bad call in falling for the scam in the first place? Absolutely he did. He fucked up. But can any of you look yourselves in the face and say you've never done something stupid? Never ordered takeout too many times and then been almost short at the end of the month? Never played an unauthorized fork, or supported one? Never hurt someone out of spite? Never said words in anger that you can't take back? Yeah, I thought not.
Did Lukas choose to seek a remedy that some of us wouldn't? Again, sure. I'll buy it. But where I get the hell off that train is in weaponizing that. Some of you decided it was okay to bash him over the head with this, despite his transparency, despite the fact that people are allowed to ask for help, even for things you personally might consider frivolous.
And now you try to weaponize the fact that he's leaving a community which tore him apart for making choices it didn't agree with? Exactly who the heck do some of you think you are, anyway? He stays, and is subjected to your judgment and whims. He goes, and it's characterized as "running away". Maybe he just got sick of being in a lose-lose situation for being honest. I'm getting pretty tired of some of you engineering no-win scenarios for people or actions you don't like. I'm saying this as a fellow user, not an admin, since no rule-breaking has really happened here.

Here is some advice I respectfully ask that some of you try to take more often going forward.
1. When you see a post you don't like, and you feel like responding, ask yourself what your reason is. If it's immediate, irrational anger, don't post. If it's vengeance, jealousy, religious fervour or pride, don't post. If nothing else, give it time.
2. Okay, so you have now crossed the hurdle presented in point 1. Now ask yourself what you want to accomplish with the post. Do you just want to share an opinion? If so, will that opinion do good or do harm? If not, then what is it you're sharing? Are you trying to convince your target that they're wrong or have made a mistake? Are you trying to convince your target that a previous point you made is right instead of wrong, as they claim?

And if you do this even half of the time, you will come to realize that some of the self-righteous judgments and opinions you voice have no business being voiced at all. And look. Nobody's perfect about this. Sometimes you're going to step over the line and say something sharp, and sometimes there may even be some justification for it. But for heaven's sake, analyze your intentions before you post. That's all I'm asking here, and I don't think it's asking for much.

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