Re: frustrated with blindness (read post if you want context)

To the people who are essentially saying, just deal with it, that's straight up ignorant. First of all, I'd be very surprised if every single one of you on here who are actually real people and not bots haven't felt this way at least once in your life. I'd be skeptical if you told me that you haven't. I know I have, and sometimes it's harder to deal with than others. Certain external factors apart from the blindness angle can influence the way you feel. So, if you have a mild irritation about the way something is going in your life, and it's related to blindness, then you start to feel down for other reasons, it very well could culminate in a depressive episode.

In the end, it's true that we'll just have to deal with it. For the minute though, give OP some space to get his feelings out. It can be quite cathartic and release a sense of mounting pressure. I know it has been for me in the past, and the most recent example is my post about wanting to do drugs. Before anyone even replied to it, I started feeling a little better just because I got the words out.

I know that a lot of the user base are children and teens, and it's a bit much to expect them to get this, but just for your information, a better approach would be to come at this from a supportive angle rather than one of condemnation. Also, some of you are definitely old enough that these types of things should be well within your level of understanding.

One more thing to add. I've seen much, much more whiny and self-entitled posts on here than OP's. Of those types of posts, they don't always get the type of backlash I'd expect. So I hope the ones that are saying these things aren't the same ones letting much whinier posts slide, because that would just be silly.

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