Re: frustrated with blindness (read post if you want context)

when I was a kid, I lost my sight about when I was 9 years old.

so i thought ... now i won't be able to go to the street? play soccer? skating? bishop?

then I raised my head and made a loud reflection! will it really limit me? for real?

will i let it hit me?

of course not.

so I went to the street, played ball with my friends, walked in sikate, biscleta, etc etc etc ...
the only thing that was limited was my studies, but not because of my blindness, but because of the school that had no support to shelter a blind man.

I know and see cases every day that people who see are more so let's say "dumb" than many smart blind people out there.

understand, it is not blindness that limits you, but your insecurity, your fear of things always going wrong because you blind think that because people will look at you like an alien, oh! my god there's a blind man over there let's run!

I learned never to care about that kind of thing, always with a smile and joy that infects people so that everyone can live in peace.
then i ask you is it really worth just suffering for something that is material and mundane, having the guarantee that you will die someday?

or is it better to live your life intensely facing problems with a smile on your face? in.

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