Re: In the midst of rage, we found a place in the cosmos.

Okay complicated post incoming
Firstly Thumbs up there Nocturnus for a well thought out set of thoughts written out in a thoughtful way that shows you thought about it, and then wrote down what you thought thoughtfully.

do I agree? Well the best answer to that is the German word Yine (an entirely useful word, combining  ja and Nine, I really wish we had in English, but nes and Yo are both something else).

As obviously from My semi eratic wandering through CR activities found here people will know that I sort of rediscovered the game at the end of nineteen and played off and on for a while, my charr is the Mutariansi called "Wanderer." I'm now rank 233, even further along than I was with my previous dragon.

All of the things you say are absolutely true, rp, interesting activities, staff that listen, a large galaxy to explore, useful help files, I suspect the babies thing is true too though I haven't run across it.

however, recently, during a rather stressful few weeks, I just found cosmic rage not fulfilling what I wanted in a destraction, hence why I have been playing so much Erion.
This might just be me being mercurial, but when I consider cosmic rage something does occur to me.

The game is inconsistent.
No, not the weird mix of shape shifters dragons and robots, or tech that ranges from 21st century to hyper futuristic. I mean the gameplay generally.

Some things in the game are so easy as to become grindy, almost automated, others are so arcane as to take specialist knowledge, heck I still haven't exactly worked out how farming works and I'm rather shaky on ship combat, or require specialist items, specific parser and basically a hole new set of reactions.

Sometimes, the game feels like a galaxy in the midst of war, sometimes, it feels ridiculously mundane.
sometimes, additions to game mechanics intended for higher level players utterly change the lower level player experience, or changes in the economic system of the game completely change the balance of a given activity.

likewise, sometimes things that used to be solo activities suddenly reqquire cooperation from higher level players.

This is it with cosmic rage. I find myself either really loving the game when I find something really engaging like asteroid processing or pollution reparation, and then cursing the game royally when ground combat proves near impossible, or when there is some arcane bit of knowledge you need to have to do something simple, like going to random locations your not told about to learn skills, need to scan through 20 asteroids or planetoids to find one you can harvest, then get barely anything for doing so, spend time on some fun crafting and gathering only to build items with no bennifit in character advancement, or suddenly realising you've made a  mistake, logged off and left your planetoid grabber depowered on a planetoid.
In fairness, if it's a matter of knowledge players are usually able to help and usually are friendly about doing so, although some thing in the game (stun crystals), just take higher level activities in random places.

I don't even think this is the fault of the staff necessarily, since so much of the game's development and suggestions are player driven, still, it is a bit startling when you look at the difference between Cosmic rage and it's occasional lack of focus, and something like Erion or alteraeon, which has a slightly more centralised approach to development, even when taking player suggestions into account.

I do enjoy CR, but I tend to find that unless I am inclined to be relatively tolerant of occasional inconsistencies or frustrations, I am wiser going to another game.

then again, in fairness massive amounts have and do get changed, heck when I began  with wanderer last year the new player experience was %100 different to when I started my first dragon character back in 16, and much more fun, indeed I will say the experience from level 1 to 100 was pretty fantastic all around, even with matters like several pointless activities, I just wish things didn't tale off, and that once you get into longer periods of having to do other activities, the game had a bit more variety going.

then again, in fairness I haven't played cr for a couple of months now myself, so it's entirely possible things have changed.

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