Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

Science doesn't work like that and it doesn't concern with that.  Religion very strange stuf in there.  Now the question is what is that whitch streches between science and religion, but touches none?  What is the line that neither goes to the boundryes of science, neither falls in to religion?  I can tell you that if it comes to push and such, we are all surrounded by unknown.  Absolute truth, oh nbut every truth tired of itself consumates like a bird in midfight.  such truth are allways former errors,

Any mistake is a former truth. But there is no initial one, because the distance between truth and error is marked only by the pulsation, by the inner animation, by the secret rhythm. Thus, error is a truth that has no soul, a worn-out truth that is waiting to be vitalized.
Truths die psychologically, not formally; they maintain their validity, continuing the non-life of the forms, although they may no longer be valid for anyone.

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