Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

Ok, so science doesn't work that way, as established.

And here's why.  Humans emit in the infrared.  Being able to emit more or less in the infrared is something you can control even without meditation because it's a function of body heat.  Get embarrassed, take a cold shower, exercise, and so on and it'll shift.

SO here is how a "emits in the UV spectrum" can get screwed up.  Someone involved accidentally sets one apparatus to the infrared spectrum.  You do your entire experiment.  No one notices.  You publish your cool paper.  Oops.

Now you're going to say "but surely someone would disprove that", but here's the thing about science.  These sorts of "humans have weird energy" experiments have been going on for basically as long as the scientific method, and they never, ever replicate.  Same for "I can bend things with my mind", and so on.

Scientists would love to knock down this pseudoscience bullshit by trying to replicate it one claim at a time and find the mistakes.  It's very satisfying emotionally.  But it's going to cost $10000 to fail to replicate "meditation lets us emit in the UV spectrum" and so on.  There's literally tens of thousands of claims like it a year.  You can only do that for so long.  You have to spend your resources effectively.  Once there's mountains of evidence against something that also has no explanation that fits with anything in biology or physics and you've failed to replicate over and over, there's no point.  It's a waste of resources.  If you believe in this stuff and are like "what evidence?" you haven't looked.  It's one Google search away.  The scientists can either be busy participating in unreplicated pseudoscience or solving things like covid, not both.

Science is equipped to accept psychic energy.  Unlike those of you who have decided to torture science into something that matches your worldview, those of us who get it don't raise the bar.  Get your weird UV experiment or whatever to replicate with someone more reputable than who first ran it.  You're not going to jump it straight to MIT.  But if it works, you should be able to get some small university lab or something to replicate, and then they say "huh, this worked for us, let's publish and see if someone else can make it work", and then maybe another couple small universities do it, and so on.  The reason that science doesn't accept psychic energy and stuff is that as soon as whoever makes the claim replicates it a couple times, someone else has always found the mistake--for instance, the people who can bend spoons always turn out to be allowed to hold the spoon with their hand.

And the thing is, you're probably like "but come on, do you actually believe that? They'll just laugh it out of the room even if you did have replication".  I believe it because science *did* try.  Psychic energies was an open question in the 1950s or so, give or take, right alongside "can LSD let us mind control people?" and many other things.  Science approached these questions with a 'we don't know", just as good science approaches everything, and then the answer turned out to be "no", proven by tons and tons of people running experiments like this that failed to replicate.  And then the question was closed.  If it's going to be reopened, someone needs to find something that (1) replicates and (2) isn't explained by physics and biology.

But I'm really not sure why I'm bothering, since I'm pretty sure the people making these claims on here are intentionally misunderstanding science, or at least intentionally avoiding learning more for fear that their belief in whatever mystical flavor of the week will get crushed by this little thing we call objective reality.

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